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“So perhaps he hid it somewhere in the house the two of you lived in,” Aedan said.

“But I haven’t lived there since he was arrested.”

“What did you take from the house?” Rogan asked her.

“Just clothes, toiletries, some jewelry. Nothing that he’d given me, though.”

“Is there anything you haven’t gone through? Anything he could have tampered with?” Aedan asked her.

“I don’t think so. Like I said, I didn’t take much. Everything is back at my apartment in Austin.”

“Then that’s where we should be looking,” Rogan said.

She slipped off the stool. “I’m going to go grab my purse and shoes.”

Dylan watched her walk away. There was defeated slump to her shoulders and he didn’t like how hard she was on herself.

“She’s going to eat herself alive with guilt if you don’t stop her,” Aedan warned him, cleaning off his plate and putting it in the dishwasher. Dylan turned his attention to the plate of food Rogan had slipped in front of him, quickly eating it.

“I know. It’s a lot for anyone to handle. First her friend’s betrayal then this crap with Cabeza. She’s got to be feeling like her world is crashing down around on her.”

And they all knew what that felt like.

Chapter Seven

“Got a car following us, boss,” Brandt warned from the driver’s seat of the roomy Mercedes. Brandt was Rogan’s second. Cillian’s son had hurt himself and he’d had to rush off to the hospital. Brandt had replaced him.

Colm sat in the front passenger seat. Aedan had opted to stay in San Antonio; he had some business to do. But Rogan, Colm, and Brandt were accompanying her and Dylan to her apartment.

Rogan turned to look behind him for a long moment. “Black Audi, two cars back?”

“Yeah,” Colm said in his deep voice. “They’ve been following us since soon after we left the house.”

Rogan grunted. He drew out his phone. Tilly turned around to stare at the car. She would never have noticed it trailing them. She swallowed. She really was totally unprepared for this world.

Dylan reached over and grabbed her hand. He sent her a reassuring smile, but that tight knot in her stomach just wouldn’t ease. She was putting them all in such danger. But she knew she couldn’t handle this alone. Just the thought of it terrified her.

“Iker, you might want to improve your men’s stealth skills.”

Tilly’s jaw nearly dropped as she listened to Rogan.

“Don’t you trust me, man?” he asked in a silky soft voice. She shivered at the dangerous tone. Rogan’s face could be carved from marble for all the emotion he showed.

“Well, if you ever have someone trail me again, make sure they can’t be spotted, because I won’t be so polite next time.”

Rogan put his phone away. His gray eyes had grown glacial. “Lose them,” he ordered.

“With pleasure,” Brandt replied.

“Hold on,” Dylan said, placing an arm over her.

She opened her mouth to question him when the car took a sudden right turn, brakes squealing. Dylan held her tight, as though not trusting the seat belt to keep her safe. She became grateful for his help as a series of sharp turns pushed her back and forth across the seat.

Thank God he’d removed the butt plug before they’d left.

It wasn’t until they reached the highway fifteen minutes later that the erratic driving stopped.

“All clear, boss.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic