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Probably that she had to help that woman. It was something he’d expect of her, Cady wasn’t one to call the cops and wait for help. But damn, he needed to instil a sense of caution in her. She seemed to think she was indestructible and if she kept going this way she was going to end up really hurt. Or worse.

He swallowed heavily.

“We’ll come by tomorrow morning at ten,” Ryans said.

“I’m looking forward to it,” Stanson added before leaving.


Chapter Nine

Cady woke with a groan. God, she hurt. It felt like every inch of her body had been beaten. She blinked rapidly, trying to look around without moving her head which was pounding.

What happened? Did she get drunk last night and fall down the stairs?

No, she remembered Gray driving her home and she’d walked up the stairs to her apartment and then… ah fuck. So she was still alive.

Her body just wished that it wasn’t.

How the hell had she gotten here, though? She looked around her, groaning as she recognized Hunter’s bedroom from when she’d stayed over before. How had he known she was hurt? When had he brought her here? The last thing she really remembered was the nurse giving her some painkillers.

There were some flashes of memory. Hunter’s furious blue eyes. Another man and woman talking to him, something about vibrators. Why the hell would they be talking about vibrators?

Cady sighed. As much as she longed to hide in bed for the next week or two she had to get up. She was not lying around in Hunter’s bed any longer than she had to. Although it was a really comfy bed.

Biting her lip to hold in her whimpers of pain, she sat and swung her legs out. She held her side as her ribs protested the movement. God, that asshole had really done a job on her. She glanced down at herself. She was wearing one of Hunter’s t-shirts. It smelled like him. And…yep, she was naked underneath.

Great, so he’d brought her home, undressed her, put her to bed and she couldn’t remember any of it. She pushed herself up. Beads of sweat broke out along her brow as she shuffled into the living room. Boxes were strewn throughout the room. Was he moving? He hadn’t told her.

But why would he? They weren’t anything to each other.

So why did he bring me here?

Probably felt sorry for her. Poor little girl with no one to look after her. Well, she didn’t need anyone’s pity, least of all his.

Cady glanced into one box. Huh, it was filled with books and not the type she would have picked for him.

“What are you doing?”

She swung her head around, wincing as she moved too quickly.

“Do you have to sneak up on me?” she snapped. “I woke up, so I decided to get out of bed. Since when did you have a thing for romance novels?” She held up a paperback. The cover had a half-naked woman kneeling at the feet of a bare-chested, muscular male.

“They’re my sister’s,” he replied.

“These were Angie’s? I thought all of her stuff was destroyed in the fire?”

“So did I. Turns out she had a storage unit I knew nothing about until I got a phone call last week. This is what was in it.” He ran his hand around the room. “I’ve been going through everything.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that’s what you’ve been busy doing?”

“Because I’m an idiot and because that’s not the whole story. Not even close. Look, I owe you an explanation and an apology, but the police will be here in about forty minutes and I want you to be dressed in something other than just my t-shirt.”

“The cops? Right, I suppose they want to talk to me about last night. How did I end up here, anyway?”

“Your landlord called me. I came to the hospital, you were pretty out of it on pain meds so I brought you home with me.”

She nodded carefully, wincing a little as her throbbing head and cheekbone protested. So he’d brought her back here because she was too wasted to be by herself.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic