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Hunter glanced up as a young, female doctor stepped into the room.


He stood and held out his hand. “Hunter Black. I’m Cady’s fiancé. The landlord called and told me that Cady had been taken to the emergency room. I don’t know who did this yet, but I can assure you I will find out.”

Cady giggled. “Told you, it was the Terminator.”

“Shh, baby, let me talk to the doctor,” Hunter said quietly, running his hand up and down her arm. “Can you tell me what happened?”

“All I know is that they have the guy who did this, he’s being patched up. Apparently Ms. Franklin heard an altercation between him and his ex-girlfriend and raced in to help. The police will probably be in soon to question Ms. Franklin, although I don’t know if they’ll get much out of her at the moment.”

“What injuries does she have?”

“Well, luckily the x-rays all came back clear. That doesn’t mean that she’s not going to be in quite a bit of pain for the next week or so. She’s got some bad bruising around her ribs and on her thigh from where he kicked her. Her hand is bruised and swollen and you can see the bruising on her face. I’m going to write out a prescription for pain medication and then we’ll get her discharged so you can take her home. Make sure she gets plenty of rest.”

“Don’t worry,” he said grimly. “I won’t be letting her out of my sight for a long time.”

The doctor and nurse soon left, the nurse promising to return soon with the discharge papers and a wheelchair.

Hunter sat on the side of the bed, careful not to jostle her. “Jesus, baby, what were you thinking?”

She eyes opened and she stared up at him with a soft smile. “Hunter, you’re here.” She patted her hand against his thigh. “You’re so hot, so sexy.”

He grinned despite his urge to kill someone.

“I can understand why you don’t want me anymore. I’m so not in your league.”

His grin vanished at her words.

“And why would you think I don’t want you?”

“Cause you’ve stopped coming around.” Tears filled her eyes and almost broke his heart. “I’m good enough to fuck but I’m not good enough for a relationship.”

“We have a relationship,” he insisted.

“Nuh-uh, a relationship involves more than fucking.” She squeezed his thigh. “It involves communication and trust and stuff. We don’t have that. We just have really, really good fucking. Except for the last week, when we haven’t even had that. You forced me to go out and buy a vibrator.” She glared at him. “Do you know how embarrassing that was? I don’t have a credit card so I couldn’t buy it online. I had to go into the shop and ask for the biggest damn vibrator they had. I was quite disappointed, none of them really matched up to you.”

A throat cleared behind him and he turned, knowing he still looked dumbfounded. Great, it would have to be someone he knew.

“Detective Stanson,” he greeted the man standing behind him. The female detective with him was trying to hide her grin. Stanson, the bastard, didn’t even try. He had a wide grin on his face. Nate Stanson was a regular at Twisted Thorn and he was good Dom. He also had a smart mouth so Hunter had no doubt that he was going to be hearing about this for a long time.

“No, the vibrator I got just doesn’t measure up,” Cady said with a pout, looking up at him.

Hunter placed his hand gently over her mouth. “Shut up about the vibrator, okay, babe?”

He kept his hand over her mouth as a precaution as he turned back to the detectives.

“Cady isn’t up to any questions right now,” he said.

“Oh, I don’t know, she seems talkative enough,” Stanson said, still grinning. His partner elbowed him in the side.

“I’m Detective Ryans. The doctor warned us that Ms. Franklin has had a reaction to the painkillers. We were wondering if we could set up a time to come and see her tomorrow morning.”

“Sure, she’ll be at my place.” He gave them his address. “Tell me what you’ve learned so far.” It wasn’t a question.

“Unfortunately, the victim’s too scared to talk and the idiot who was beating on them both isn’t talking. When we got there, though, it looked as though Ms. Franklin had heard an altercation and bashed in the door to help the victim.”

Christ, what had she been thinking?

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic