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“Lean back.”

Placing her hands behind her, she leaned back as he pushed his chair forward, forcing her knees to bend. Her legs parted further, revealing everything.

“Beautiful. Now I want you to remain very still. This office is soundproof so you can make as much sound as you like, but you will not come until I say so.”

Bending down, he licked his way up her slit before dipping his tongue into her moist folds. Cady threw her head back, closing her eyes. He licked, sucked and flicked. Using only his tongue, he drove her wild until her breath came in short pants and small gasps of need filled the room.

“Hunter, please.”

“Not yet.”

He pulled back and she opened her eyes to see him searching through one of his desk drawers. He drew out a tube of lube and coated two fingers of his right hand. Then he put the lube on his desk.

“Oh, Hunter, please,” she cried out as he pushed one finger inside her ass.

“Not yet. You come now and tonight I’ll spend hours having my way with you without letting you come.”


He drove another finger slowly into her ass and she cried out at the full feeling. Her pussy throbbed. She needed to come.


She sobbed as pleasure lashed at her, teased her. He circled her clit with his tongue slowly.

“Please, please, please.” She was incapable of saying anything more. Incapable of thought, of stringing a sentence together.

All she could do was beg.

“My poor baby, you need to come so badly, don’t you?” Hunter murmured. “Look at your swollen pussy. Your clit is so engorged it must be almost painful.”

Fuck, he was killing her. She’d get him back for this. Somehow. Someway.

He chuckled as he pulled away and she glared at him. “If looks could kill I’d be a dead man.”

Standing, he pulled down his pants and boxers, revealing his thick erection. Cady licked her lips as she watched him hungrily.

“Damn, baby, the way you’re looking at me right now…it’s so fucking hot. Do you know how often I’ve dreamed of having you suck me off as I sit in this very chair? But not today. Today I need to be inside you.”

Reaching into the same desk drawer, he pulled out a condom and slipped it on.

He stood between her open thighs and grabbing her legs pulled them up so her feet were now resting on the surface of the desk.

“You’re so beautiful, Cady. I never get tired of looking at you, especially when you’re staring up at me with arousal filling those beautiful eyes.”

As he spoke he pushed his cock inside her. His thumb rubbed her clit with slow, gentle circles. Not enough to get her off, but enough to keep the arousal at boiling point.

His thrusting was gentle, slow. In and out as his thumb kept up its lazy play.

“I wish I could keep this up for hours, but today isn’t exactly the time or place, is it?”

How the hell was he still capable of speech?

He sped up, his movement growing more frenzied, harder.

“Come for me, sugar. Come now.” He flicked her clit with his thumb, his movements growing faster, harder. Their heavy breathing filled the room, sweat coating their bodies. Orgasm slammed into her, stealing her breath as she surrendered to the onslaught of pleasure. Hunter’s low shout announced his own release and he leaned forward, taking her lips with his as she continued to tremble with aftershocks.

Slowly, he withdrew from her, pulling off the condom and wrapping it in a tissue before chucking it away.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic