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“Does it?”

“I was a cop, remember? I know how to put up with some flak. It means I’m one of them.”

Josh had thanked her for saving his ass and even though it had embarrassed her and she’d waved it away, she knew that had bought her acceptance with them all. She’d proven herself. Josh had even invited her over to a barbeque in a few weeks.

“Don’t interfere, Hunter. Bad enough I’m dating the boss, I don’t need him throwing his weight around.”

“All right, I won’t say anything.” He set her off his lap. “Take your jeans and panties down.”


“I deserve a reward. You got what you wanted now you’re going to give me what I’ve been dying for all day. A taste of you.”



“Hunter, this is where we work.”

“And right now we’re on a break. Take them down. I’m not going to tell you again.” His eyes had gone hard and she knew she was in trouble if she didn’t obey him.

Reaching for the top of her jeans, she quickly undid them and pulled them down, revealing her red lace panties.

“Very nice, but they’re going as well.”

She tugged them down, baring her pussy to his gaze. Hunter placed his hands around her waist, lifting her onto his desk. His desk was cold beneath her hot skin.

He pulled her shoes off then dragged her jeans and panties off.

“Remind me to buy you some skirts.”

“I don’t wear skirts.”

“You will.”

“I’m not your plaything, Hunter. I’m here to do a job and I can’t do that in a damn skirt.” She was starting to feel irritated. Much as this was turning her on, she wasn’t some damn toy he could play with when he felt like.

He cupped her chin. “I would never consider you a toy or anything else so degrading. But when we’re at home, alone, you could wear a skirt once in a while. With nothing on underneath. That way when the urge to bend you over the table or the couch comes over me I have easy access.”

Damn him. How did he always know just what to say to get her blood pressure up to boiling point?


He nipped her lower lip in punishment.

“All right. Yes. I’ll get a skirt.”

He grinned.

“You won’t always get your way, you know,” she warned.

“You like pleasing me.”

Well, she couldn’t exactly deny it seeing the position she was currently in.

“Put your feet on the arms of my chair.”

She rested her feet on the edge of the arms of his chair.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic