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Damn him. She knew better than to push when he started counting. Blushing with embarrassment, she turned back around and parting her legs, bent over.

“Fuck, that’s beautiful.”

She heard some movement. “Stand and turn around again.”

When she turned back, she saw he’d taken his clothes off. He now lay naked on the bed, his legs spread apart as he ran his hand up and down his thick erection.

Cady licked her lips, watching him.

“Do you want me, baby?” he asked her.

She nodded. His gaze hardened.

“Yes,” she said quickly.

“I want you on the bed on all fours, facing away from me.”

Cady climbed onto the bed beside him, doing as he asked. What was his obsession with her ass tonight? She glanced over her shoulder to find him kneeling behind her.

“This ass is so fucking beautiful. And it looks even better when it’s pink. Lean down and rest your head on the bed. Put that ass right in the air.”

As soon as she was in position, he began smacking her ass, his hand landing on one cheek then the other. At first it stung like a son of a bitch, bringing tears to her eyes and making her gasp.

“Hunter,” she cried out.

“This is for being such a stubborn brat, for daring to give your Dom an ultimatum.”

“You’re not my Dom outside the bedroom.”

“I will always be your Dom when it comes to caring for you.” He continued to smack his hand against her butt. Heat built, making her insides come alive, her clit throb.

“And don’t think I’ve forgotten about that hesitation just before.” He gave her other five smacks.

She groaned as he stopped and moved his hand between her legs, driving two fingers deep inside her as he pinched her clit lightly with the fingers of his free hand.

“Hunter, hell, I need to come.”

“Not yet,” he said, his voice tense. He continued to play with her swollen clit, driving his fingers in and out of her.

“Oh God.” She clenched down, her pleasure spiralling out of control. “Hunter, I’m going to come.”

“Not yet, you’re not.”

He pulled away from her and she cried out at the loss. Then he spun her over. Moving off the bed, he stood at the edge and dragged her toward him. Quickly moving over to the bedside table, he grabbed a condom and put it on.

Placing himself between her open legs, he grabbed her hips and pulled them up so her ass was in the air as he thrust into her pussy.

Cady cried out.

He pulled out then drove forward, each thrust had her shuddering, her hands clenching at the covers beneath her.

“Play with your clit,” he ordered. “Make yourself come.”

She reached with one hand, rubbing her clit with her finger. “Hunter! Please!”

“Come now,” he ordered.

He seemed to move faster, harder and the added friction sent her flying. The room spun around her, white noise filling her head so she barely heard his own shout of satisfaction.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic