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“I’m going into the office tomorrow,” she said as Hunter changed to another T.V. channel.

“No, you’re not,” he countered calmly.

This was the same argument they’d had for the last four nights. It had been nearly two weeks since she’d injured her ankle and she was going insane. In the beginning it had been sweet the way he’d taken care of her. He’d leave each morning for work, making sure she had everything she needed for the day then on the way home he’d pick up some takeout for dinner. Then they’d spend half the night making love.

But enough was enough. This time she wasn’t backing down.

“I no longer need the crutches, there’s no swelling and the bruising has pretty much faded. I’m going in tomorrow and if you won’t take me in then I’ll just find my own way.”

She glared at him stubbornly as he turned off the T.V. and turned to her.

“You will not.”

/> “I will. I’d prefer to go in with you than walk to the bus stop, but if I have to, I will.”

“You’re not up to fieldwork.”

“But I can help out at the office. God only knows what’s happened to my filing system.”

He raised an eyebrow, his gaze practically arctic. “I thought you weren’t our secretary.”

She folded her arms over her chest. “I’ve got to earn my pay somehow. Maybe I can’t go back out on jobs yet, but I can do other things. Now, will you take me or do I find my own way?”

“I don’t like ultimatums,” he said in a low voice.

She swallowed, a shiver going through her. Damn it, she was not going to cave again. She had caved every other time. All he’d done was speak in that he-who-shall-be-obeyed voice then distracted her by taking her to bed and she’d given in. Not this time.

“Fine, I’ll take the bus then.”

“Like hell you will.” He sighed. “You’re determined to come in, aren’t you?”

She nodded.

Hunter put the remote down on the coffee table. Then he pulled her up into his arms. She curled herself around his torso. She’d grown used to him picking her up and carrying her around.

He set her down in the bedroom, settling himself back against the headboard.

“Strip,” he ordered.

He’d taken the lead role in the bedroom and while he was conscious of her limits, never pushing her too far, too fast, they both knew who was in control.

And they both knew she enjoyed it as much as he did.

Cady slowly stripped off the long t-shirt she had on then moved to her jeans, undoing the button and zipper before dragging them down her legs. She sat on the side of the bed to pull them off her feet before standing once again.

“Now the underwear.”

Off went her bra then her underwear until she was completely naked. He watched her with hungry eyes.

“Turn around.”

She turned until she was facing away from him.

“Part your legs and bend over as far as you can.”

She half-turned, gaping at him. “What?”

“That’s one.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic