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“She wanted to come right here. I just got her settled at her desk, gave her the contract to look through.”

“What?” Hunter stood up. She was here? “What is she doing here? She just arrived, she should be settling in. Doesn’t she want to unpack?”

“Yeah, well, she didn’t exactly bring a whole lot with her.”

“Has she even had anything to eat? Damn it, Gray, you should have insisted she take it easy today.”

“She’s my employee not my sub,” Gray countered and Hunter had to bite back a growl as the image of Cady kneeling at Gray’s feet drifted through his mind. Fuck, he was feeling way too possessive.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.”

Gray nodded. “I’ve got some work to do on the Emerson case. Tiny will be back soon, you’ll need to talk to him about her training.”

Hunter nodded. He wanted to train her himself, but that would be a mistake. He needed to keep his distance from her. Like Gray said, she was their employee.

Yeah, he’d give her some space.

Starting tomorrow.

Cady looked up from the contract Gray had left her with as a shadow crossed her desk. Hunter stood there, staring down at her. Instantly her body tightened, a slow flush of arousal heating her from the inside out. Damn, she’d hoped that had been a one-time thing, but it seemed her body was bound and determined to react to him, no matter what she might think on the matter.

“Hello, Hunter.”

“Cady, good to see you.”

Wow, this wasn’t awkward or anything.

“Something I can help you with?” she asked. After all, he was her boss; she had to attempt to be polite.

“Just checking to see if you had everything you needed. You’ll be sharing this office with Tiny.”

She’d already checked out the excessively tidy and organized desk on the other side of the room. She wasn’t a messy person, but that desk bordered on OCD levels of tidiness.

“So Gray told me.”

Hunter just nodded. “You didn’t have to come right here. You could have settled in first.”

She shrugged. “Thought I might as well. Nothing else to do.”

“Have you had breakfast?”

She bit back the urge to tell him it was none of his fucking business.

“I’m fine.”

He watched her thoughtfully. “There are muffins and coffee in the staff room.”

She nodded. “Was there something else?” she asked when he just stood there.

“Gray explained that you were under some misconceptions about why I offered you this job, I just wanted to check that you knew I didn’t mean—”

“I know,” she interrupted. “I misunderstood.” God, this was mortifying.

He nodded and turned around. She let out a deep sigh of relief. Then he suddenly faced her again. “Do you have your pepper spray on you?”

“Oh, well, about that, I’m really sorry…” she trailed off as he waved his hand dismissively.

“We’ll discuss that another time. But you can’t go around spraying anyone in the office with that shit, got me?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic