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She nodded.

“Well, shall we grab your bags and get out of here then? I’m sure you want to see where you’ll be staying and get settled.”

“I’ve got them.”

“Sorry?” he asked with a frown of confusion.

She let her backpack fall off her shoulder. “This is all I have with me.”

“Uhh, right, of course.” He recovered quickly, sending her a smile. “Let’s go, then.”

The first ten minutes of the drive was spent in awkward silence.

“So,” he finally said. “I thought I would show you the apartment you’ll be staying in. It’s actually one of the places we use for clients who need a safe place to stay. But we thought it would be ideal until we found you an apartment.”

“Thanks.” She cleared her throat. “I can find my own apartment, though.”

Gray sent her a sideways glance. “You ever lived in Dallas?”

“No.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“I’ve lived here for years, I know the place pretty well,” he told her easily. “I know the better areas to live in.”

“I doubt I can afford the better areas,” she muttered, looking out the passenger window so he wouldn’t see how nervous she was. What was she doing here? She was fooling herself. They didn’t really want her here. They pitied her.

“Were you surprised by my call?” she asked.

“I was a little, yes.”

“And Hunter? What did he say? Does he regret offering me the job?”

“If either of us regretted it then you wouldn’t be here,” Gray told her truthfully.

“I have no credentials, no references, what makes you think I can do this? Isn’t it a bit stupid to hire a person you know nothing about?”

Gray glanced over at her for a moment. “You’re right,” he said, surprising her. “It would be stupid. But we know more about you than you think. Jacey and Derrick vouch for you. You’re calm under pressure. Hunter said you have some background with guns and self-defense. Plus, he has good instincts. I trust him.”

“You really trust him that much?”

“We’re more than business partners and friends. Hunter has saved my ass a time or two with his instincts. I’ve learned never to ignore them.”

Cady sat back and watched the city whiz by. “Do you think we could go to your office instead of the apartment?”

Gray frowned. “Ahh, sure. But don’t you want to unwind and settle in? No one expects you to go in today.”

“I’m sure.” She had to. She wasn’t sure she’d have the guts to do this tomorrow.

“Okay then.”


Hunter looked up as Gray entered his office, glancing up at the clock on his wall.

“You were quick. I thought you’d still be showing Cady around the apartment.” It had taken everything he had to wait here patiently while Gray picked Cady up and showed her around; made sure she had everything she needed.

He’d never actually felt jealous of his buddy until this morning.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic