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Cady smiled widely. “Nothing at all, why would you say that?”

“Okay, now I’m really worried. That smile is damn scary.” Jacey eyed her worriedly.

“Nothing is wrong, okay? I’ve just got a few things on my mind.”

Jacey sighed. “I wish you’d tell me what the problem is, but I know you won’t.” A sad look crossed the other woman’s face before it was replaced by a determined smile.

“I think you should take the job. You wouldn’t be happy in an office or as my nanny, I know that. I just can’t stand that I go to sleep in a nice house every night and you’re out on the streets. I worry about you, Cady.”

“I can take care of myself.”

“I know. Doesn’t stop me from worrying. You’re my friend. Consider taking the job, okay? If it doesn’t work out, we’ll try something else. But you can’t keep going the way you are.”

She didn’t see why not. Well, except for that little problem of Sean.

“I don’t know how you ended up on the streets or why and you don’t have to tell me. But I worry that one day I’m going to turn on the news and learn that something bad has happened to you.”

“Jeez, overdramatic much, Jacey?”

Jacey shrugged. “I know how scary things are, remember? And believe me, if we don’t get something sorted out, it won’t just be me on your case, Derrick will be having a chat with you and he won’t be nearly as nice as me.”

No, she could well believe that. Derrick Ashdown was extremely rich and used to getting his way. Cady knew he wouldn’t like the fact that Jacey was worrying about her.

“I’m surprised he hasn’t already tried to interfere.”

“Oh believe me, he’s wanted to.”

Great, that’s all she needed.

“Look, I’ll think about it. That’s all I can promise, all right?”

Jacey sighed but nodded. “And think about moving into our guest house, it’s not being used and you could stay as long as you liked.”

Cady forced herself to smile and reached across to squeeze Jacey’s hand. She wasn’t really given to affection, but she could see the real worry in Jacey’s eyes.

“I’m okay. I promise.”


Two hours later, Cady looked down at the gravestone in front of her. She crouched and reaching out, ran her finger over the letters.

Rusty Rivera. 1979-2013.

She’d always teased him that with his name he should have been a porn star or at least a country singer. At least that way he’d probably still be alive.

He’d just laugh at her and sing some song in that God awful voice of his.

Had it only been ten months since he’d died? It felt like forever and yet at the same time, like it had been yesterday. He’d been killed in the line of duty. Her partner. Her friend. Her fault.

They’d both worked for the Baton Rouge Police Department, but after Rusty’s death his family had brought his body back here to Austin. She’d followed, unable to let him go.

“What do I do, Rus?” she whispered. “I need to get out of town for a while. If I stick around I’m worried he’s going to get lucky and hurt me, or someone else. But if I take that job, I’d have to work as part of a team. I don’t think I can do that again. Not after I got you killed.”

“Funny, I thought it was those druggies who fired the bullet that killed my brother.”

Cady stood, whirling around to face the female standing behind her.

“Lucia.” She nodded her head at Rusty’s older sister. How the hell had she not heard her approach? What if she’d been Sean? Cady had to get her shit together.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic