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“No way,” she said, feeling guilty at the flash of hurt on Jacey’s face. “I can’t do it, Jacey. I wasn’t made to sit at a desk all day and you know it. I know next to nothing about computers and shit. I’d be complete crap and then Derrick would have to fire me. Then you’d stop talking to him. It would be a clusterfuck.”

Jacey grinned and shook her head. “I suppose it isn’t really a good fit.”

“Jacey, honestly, I don’t need you to help me. I’m fine.” This wasn’t the first time that Jacey had tried to help Cady find a job.

“You’re fine,” Jacey said sceptically. “Somehow I don’t think so. Luckily, I have a Plan B.”

Oh shit, she didn’t like the sound of that.

“I want you to be my nanny.”

Cady gaped at her for a long moment. “Are you feeling all right? Have you seen your doctor lately?”

Jacey rolled her eyes. “I’m fine. What is so crazy about asking you to be my nanny?”

“Uhh, maybe because I have no idea how to look after a child?”

“Neither do I.” Jacey rubbed her stomach lovingly. “But I’m going to take a crash course in parenthood.”

“All the more reason for you to hire someone with experience. Someone who actually knows how to do shit, you know, like change diapers and how to bathe a baby without drowning them. I mean, what if I dropped them?”

“You won’t drop them.”

“I might. I’ve never held a child. Uh-uh, no way, no how.”

Jacey crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, you’d better learn fast cause I’m going to expect you to play a part in this baby’s life.”

“Yeah, well, can’t I just stand there and make silly faces at him or her?”

Jacey just shook her head.

“Cady, I’ve been hunted by my ex and his brother, kidnapped, terrorized and nearly lost my life, but do you know what keeps me awake at night? What gives me nightmares?”

Crap, she didn’t like where this was going.

Jacey leaned forward, her gaze earnest. “You. Most nights I have nightmares about you. I’m scared something is going to happen to you. It isn’t safe for you out here.”

“Jacey, you were only on the streets for a short while, you didn’t know how to take care of yourself like I do. I’m fine.”

Except there were times when she wished for her old life, her apartment, her friends. She pushed those thoughts back.

“I’m not going to stop worrying until you’re off the streets. If you won’t take either of those jobs at least move in with us. We have a guest house, you wouldn’t even need to see us if you didn’t want to. You could come and go as you liked. Please, Cady.”

No way. She shook her head.

“Goddammit, stop being so stubborn and let me help you.”

“You don’t have to help me. I already have a job and a place to live.”

Jacey looked at her suspiciously. “You do? Where? How did you get this job?”

“Hunter offered me one.”

“He did?” Jacey’s eyes widened. “When? Does that mean you’re moving to Dallas to live?”

“Well, I haven’t decided yet.” Although getting out of the city was looking like a better and better idea. How many times had she caught Sean watching her in the last week?

“Something’s wrong, what is it?” Jacey asked.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic