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“What are your safe words?”

“Yellow to slow down. Red to stop.”

“I expect you to use them if you need to. I don’t want you suffering because you think you’ll make me unhappy by using them. You’ll only displease me if you’re scared or in pain and you don’t use them, understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.” He kissed her lightly. “I promise you’re going to enjoy this. Don’t look so scared. You can bring those clothes with you and get changed at the club, pet. It’s time to play.”

She wasn’t sure she’d ever felt such apprehension. Even giving birth hadn’t seemed quite so terrifying. She snorted to herself. And perhaps not as painful. She glanced up at Saxon. No, he wouldn’t do anything to truly harm her. That thought calmed her.

Trust. It was hard for her to give. But as each day passed and she learned more about him that trust grew.

I trust him.

Maybe even loved him.

She pushed that thought aside, unsettled. Loving him wasn’t in the cards. He wasn’t looking for a relationship. She had to remember that and guard herself against getting hurt.

She stepped into the bar area with Saxon close to her side, his hand on her lower back. There were a few people there drinking and they called out greetings. You didn’t have to be a member to get into the bar, but you did have to come with someone who was and get past the doorman, who was rather intimidating and not inclined to let just anyone in. She was glad for that. She didn’t like to think of people sitting in the bar, watching and judging who went into the play area beyond. Not that you couldn’t bypass the bar altogether, but Saxon had steered her here and, tonight, he was in charge.

Saxon moved to the bar, taking her with him. There were lots of table with comfortable chairs.

Saxon spoke to the barman, whom she didn’t know, for a few minutes, she turned and looked around.


“What?” She jumped, turning.

He frowned slightly.

“Oh, sorry, did you say something? I guess I was daydreaming.”

He grasped her chin, tilting her face up. “How do you address me?”

Her eyes widened, the stern note in his voice doing funny things to her insides. God only knew why she enjoyed this, but she did. She wondered if she’d enjoy being dominated by anyone else or whether it was just him?

Somehow, she thought it was the latter.

“Sorry, Sir.”

“I know this is your first time so it’s going to be hard to focus,” he told her quietly, running his thumb over her lower lip. “So, I’m going to go easy on you. What do you say to me for my understanding and lenience?”

Understanding and lenience? Seriously? Oh, shit. He was really serious.


“Thank you, Sir?”

“Very nice, pet. Now we’re a little early so there won’t be many scenes going on inside. But we’ll take a little tour, look at the equipment, and you can tell me what you like or don’t like. Any questions before we start?”

She shook her head.

“Good.” He pulled something out of his pocket. It was red velvet strip with a small clasp at the back. “This is a club collar. It shows you’re under my protection. You need to keep this on at all times in the club.”

She grabbed hold of his hand without thinking. He raised an eyebrow and her stomach dropped. Shit.

“Aspen, look at me.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic