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Spike could. But he didn’t offer that tidbit. The state of his finances was something that was no one’s business. Not even his brothers. And he wasn’t sure that hiring the Fox to take out Senior was something he wanted to get behind. Not that Senior deserved to live. And if he did somehow find out what they knew about him . . .

Yeah, this was going to take some thinking about.

“We can’t go after Senior without good reason,” Duke stated firmly, ever the voice of reason. “I know he’s scum, I don’t like it anymore than the rest of you, but we have our own people to protect.”

Reyes scowled. “Fine. We’ll shelve that idea. For the moment.”

Spike knew Reyes wouldn’t give up. When he got an idea in his head, he couldn’t let it go. Hell, Spike didn’t like the idea of Senior continuing on, business as usual either. But Duke was right, it was too risky.

Reyes, for all his cold calculation, had a serious trigger when it came to women and children being abused. It made it hard for him to remain objective.

There was a knock on the door and Duke stormed over to open it. “Baron? What’s going on?”

Ink jumped to his feet. “Baron? Is Betsy all right?”

“Of course she is,” Baron stated, sounding offended. “Do you think we’d let anything happen to her?”

“Then what’s going on? Do the girls want to go home or something?” Duke asked.

Baron stepped into the room and his intense gaze landed on Spike. He smiled. Spike swore those two boys were sixteen going on forty. And Baron had this almost dark streak to him.

“There’s a hot chick out in the bar asking to talk to Spike,” he said slyly.

Ink sighed. “Don’t call women chicks.”

Razor started laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Ink demanded.

“Nothing man, just you in a father-role. It’s fucking amusing.”

“Tell her I’m busy,” Spike said. He wasn’t interested in whatever this woman had to say.

“Are you sure? She’s fucking hot. Bit weird, but weird is the new sexy.”

“Baron,” Ink groaned.

“What? It’s just the truth. I should always speak the truth, right?” Baron looked at Ink with confusion, but Spike wouldn’t be shocked to find out he was playing them all. He thought Baron understood more than he let on.

“Doesn’t matter what she looks like,” Spike told him. “I’m not speaking to her.”

“Harsh, man. Especially when she came here to warn you.” There was that sly look on Baron’s face again.

Seriously. What did he do to deserve this?

He sighed and crossed his arms over his wide chest.

“Don’t you want to know what she wants to warn you about?” Baron asked.

Spike stared at him impassively. Baron was going to have to work harder to get a rise out of him. And he had a lot to learn about patience.

“Fine, I’ll bite since Spike could stand there all day and never ask. What does she want to warn Spike about?” Ink asked him.

“She thinks someone is going to kill him.”


Millie laughed as Sunny told her about sewing a patch onto her boyfriend’s cut. She wiped a tear away from her eyes then reached for her soda water, taking a sip. Alcohol was a trigger for her migraines so she tended to steer clear.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic