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Reaching into her bag, she gave Mr. Fluffy a pat. She was going to have to take him outside soon. He didn’t seem to like it in here, he’d been hiding in her bag since they entered.

“Oh, here’s Baron.” Betsy frowned as she looked behind him. “Couldn’t you speak to Spike?”

“Would they not let you in without the secret handshake?” Jewel asked sarcastically.

So far, she’d learned that Sunny’s boyfriend, Duke, was the Vice-President of the club. Betsy was with a guy called Ink and Jewel worked here in the bar but had the night off. She didn’t seem to be with any of the Iron Shadows members. In fact, Millie was starting to think she had a thing against men. And most women. Just people in general, really. Except for Sunny, Betsy and her boys.

Baron grinned down at Jewel. “Do you think they have one?”

Jewel snorted. “How would I know? I don’t have a dick.”

Betsy shook her head. “Baron? Could you not find Spike?”

“Oh, I spoke to him. I have got to spend more time with him. He is the king of showing zero emotion. Like, all he did was raise an eyebrow and then he stared at me like I was an annoying fly he couldn’t find the energy to swat.”

He sounded rather unpleasant.

“I’m so sorry—” she started to say.

“It was awesome,” Baron continued on as if she’d said nothing. “I want to be him when I grow up.”

He did?

Betsy ran her hand over her face. “Dear Lord, help me.”

“Anyway, he’s not interested in talking to you,” Baron told Millie bluntly.

“Why not? Doesn’t he want to hear about the possible threat?” she asked.

Why wouldn’t he want to know? It didn’t make much sense.

“Spike is . . .” Sunny bit her lip. “Well, let’s just say he’s kind of intimidating. And I have no doubts he can handle himself. He’s likely not all that worried.”

She still didn’t understand. Even if he felt capable of dealing with the threat, he should want to know about it right? Maybe he thought that she wasn’t serious. Perhaps she should leave. She’d done her bit. But she felt like she needed to do more. If she walked away and something happened to Spike, she’d never forgive herself.

“Oh, here comes Duke and Ink. Maybe you could tell them and they could pass it on to Spike?” Sunny suggested, giving her a sympathetic look.

She guessed she could do that. But how did she know they would tell him?

Oh, give it up. You just want to tell him yourself. You’re being stubborn.

It was a flaw of hers. She was sad to say she had several. Perfect, she was not.

“Or maybe you could convince the man himself to listen,” Jewel said, nodding over at a well-built bald man that was headed towards the front door.

All right. She now saw why he was so confident in his own abilities. He looked terrifying. A scar ran down his neck. His biceps were probably as thick as her thighs and that was saying something since her thighs were fairly thick.

She gulped. Dear. Lord.

Run, Millie, run.

They didn’t make men like that back where she came from. But . . . she just couldn’t leave. She stood as two men stopped at their table, the dark-haired one kissed Sunny. The blond-haired, heavily tattooed man pulled Betsy up against him.

“Nice to meet you all,” she said abruptly. “Hopefully, I’ll see you soon. I need to go now and catch him.”

“Wait, Millie, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Alarm filled Betsy’s face but Millie simply smiled and turned away, heading towards the door.

She was confident she could get this Spike to listen. After all, it was just a few seconds of his time and then her good deed for the night would be done.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic