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She grunted. She was beyond worrying about anything. It was so hard to think. She felt him moving her around. A wave of nausea rose over her.

She made a distressed noise and he quickly rolled her over. She vomited everywhere, sobbing in distress.

“Shh. Shh. Shh. I got you. You’re safe.”

She was picked up once again and carried.

“Chompers,” she whispered as he laid her down. The scent of leather and cherry surrounded her. But thankfully, it didn’t make her fe

el any worse.

“Get him for you.”

More silence. Then she felt something being pressed into her arms. A cool cloth washed over her mouth and face and she sighed in pleasure.


“Thanks, Daddy,” she whispered.

Spike stared down at her. She whimpered and curled up into a ball as though trying to protect herself.

Thanks, Daddy.

Fuck. He hated that she was in pain. His hands clenched into fists. This wasn’t an enemy he could see or fight.

A wave of protectiveness washed through him. There was just something about Millie that urged him to take care of her. Maybe it was because she didn’t seem to care enough to do it herself.

He hated that too.

Another whimper.


She’d called him Daddy.

He didn’t want this, right? Jacqui had been the only love of his life.

You don’t have to love her to be this for her. There are plenty of Daddy/Little relationships that have nothing to do with love.

Bringing her back here had been a major fuck-up. He should call Steele, get him to take her off his hands.

But would Steele look after her when she got a migraine? Would he watch over her to make sure she didn’t burn down the house or hurt herself?

Like you’ve been doing a good job of that.

He’d been hiding from her. If he decided to do this, then he’d watch over her far more closely. It would make it easier to take care of her. He could set rules and boundaries.


His cock hardened at the thought of putting her over his knee. Lord knew, she needed a damn good spanking for all the worry she’d given him. And for all the lies. Not to mention the way she talked about herself.

This would take some thinking about. There wouldn’t be an issue of commitment or feelings.

Should he be her Daddy when he wasn’t able to be anything more?

For now, he needed to know how best to take care of her. Striding out of his bedroom, where he’d carried her after she’d vomited in her room, he bundled up the dirty bedding, and took it downstairs, putting it in the wash. Then he grabbed his phone, calling someone he knew could help.

“Darling, you’ve got to stop calling me at home. My wife’s getting suspicious.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic