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She bit her lip. “You shouldn’t be carrying me around.”

He made a grumbling noise.

“I’ll come down and help you.” She wasn’t going to relax while he was working.

“No. You won’t.”

He walked into the bathroom and set her on the counter.


“I don’t want you inhaling any more smoke fumes.”

There weren’t any smoke fumes left in the house. Just the lingering stench. He was full of shit. Then again, maybe he didn’t want her in his kitchen, because he was afraid she’d mess something up and actually set the house on fire.

She sighed as he started a bath. She closed her eyes. The side of her face felt numb and tingly. Shoot.

“You’re pale. You in pain? Your foot?”

“My head,” she whispered with a wince. “Migraine.”

“Shit. You get migraines?”


“What can I do?”

She appreciated him not asking her a whole bunch of questions. “Quiet. Dark. Pills. Bag. Toilet.”

“Okay, baby. Let me find them.”

She heard a rustling noise. She didn’t open her eyes.

“Gonna pick you up, put you to bed. Then I’ll get some water for you to take these.”

Even though he was gentle, she still whimpered as he moved her. It felt like a screwdriver going through the left side of her head and eye. The pain was excruciating. Dizziness assaulted her while nausea bubbled in her stomach.

Then he laid her down on the bed. She lay there, trying to convince herself that she didn’t need to vomit. There was blessed quiet and she risked opening her eyes to find the room was empty, the curtains were pulled.

The door opened and he reappeared with a bottle of water.

“Fluffy?” she croaked. She could barely think and it was hard to get her words out. To figure out what she wanted to say.

“I’ll take care of him. Don’t worry. Is there anything else?”

“Cold cloth. Head.”

“Okay. Gonna help you sit to take these.”

He sat next to her on the bed and propped her up against his chest. Then he fed her the pills and held the bottle of water to her lips.

Maybe she should protest that she could do it. But truth was, she was tired. It was nice to have someone else look after her.

And he was so damn good at it.

“Gonna get you into something more comfortable. That okay with you?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic