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The other woman rolled her eyes heavenward as though searching for patience. Then she aimed a smile at Millie. “I’m so sorry. I’m Betsy, these are my sons, Royal and Baron.”

Wow, she didn’t look old enough to be their mother. Millie wished she had her genes. And her looks. And that waistline.

“I apologize for my boys, they’re a bit overprotective.”

A bit?

Millie glanced around, her cheeks reddening as she noticed they still had an audience of rough looking bikers watching. Not one of them made a move towards them, though.

“That’s okay. I’m Millie.”

“Can I help you? Are you lost?” Two more women approached. The one who’d spoken was dressed in jeans and a bright pink hoodie with rhinestones down the arms.

“Ooh, I love your hoodie,” Millie told her. “Where did you get it?”

“Oh thanks, I bought it at Walmart and then just added rhinestones.”

“So cute. I must try that. My belt could totally use some rhinestones.”

“All right, enough,” the third woman said. Millie’s gaze landed on her then couldn’t look away. She was one of the most gorgeous, sexy women Millie had seen in her life. Long blue-black hair combined with a short denim skirt and a halter neck top that ended midriff, showcasing her small waist.


“My goodness, you’re gorgeous.”

The woman blinked a few times and gave her a curious look. “What?”

“You’re absolutely beautiful,” Millie breathed out. She glanced around at the three woman who looked so different. From the elegant beauty of Betsy, to the second woman’s warmth, to the third woman’s edgy sexiness.

“Right, uh, who are you?” the sexy woman asked. “And where do you need to be, because it ain’t here.”

“Jewel,” the second woman said with a worried look at her friend. “She’s probably just lost.”

“This is Reaper’s bar, which is run by the Iron Shadows, yes?” Millie asked. Around them, everyone looked on. She wished they’d just go back to their conversations.

She really wasn’t that interesting.

“Uh, yes,” Betsy said, from where she was sandwiched between her sons.

Millie smiled. “Then I’m in the right place.”

“You are?” the woman in the pink hoodie asked.

“Yes. I’m looking for someone named Spike, do you know him?”

By the looks on everyone’s faces you’d have thought that she’d asked for an audience with the Pope. They ranged from shock to disbelief to glee on one of the twins’ faces. She wasn’t sure which one.

“You know Spike?” Jewel asked skeptically.

“Oh no, I don’t know him. I’ve come here to warn him. I think someone is going to try and kill him. Now, do you know where I can find him?”


Spike just stared at Reyes after his declaration. Along with everyone else.

“You want to take out Jonathan Robins Senior?” Ink finally spat out. “Have you gone fucking insane? He has more money and power than God.”

“And he uses that money and power to hide what a monster he is,” Reyes pointed out. “You’re the one who wanted to take the fuckers down for what they did to Betsy.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic