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That was unfortunate.

Still, how hard could it be to find a man called Spike?

She would have come last night, but it had taken her a while to recover from her migraine. Fortunately, when she’d finally been able to move without feeling like she was going to vomit, she’d found that Mr. Fluffy was pretty well toilet trained. He’d used the fliers, making clean up easy. And while he might have chewed his way through the spare pillow and a towel he’d managed to pull out of the bathroom, all-in-all she’d thought he was pretty well behaved.

Gradually, she became aware of all the noise around her stopping as people turned to stare at her.


This didn’t seem good. Despite the crowded bar, she had a small space around her. As though no one wanted to get close. Did she smell? She was certain she didn’t. Maybe she had some Danish on her face? It was probably a mistake to eat one for dinner, but they’d looked so good she’d been unable to resist.

“Hello.” A young man stepped in front of her. He was dressed in a nice button-down shirt and jeans. He smiled. “Are you lost?”

She studied him. He didn’t look old enough to be in a bar. Where were his parents?

“What makes you think she’s lost, brother?”

Another young man, his identical twin, stepped forward. He wore a ratty band t-shirt and ripped jeans and black boots.

“She’s obviously lost, Baron,” the first one said. “Look at the way she’s dressed.”

Millie had to resist the urge to stare down at herself. What was wrong with how she was dressed? Today she had a red dress that ended mid-calf. The skirt was full so when she twirled it swung around her. And she liked to twirl a lot. It was cinched in at the waist with a black belt and had a sweetheart neckline.

She’d worn a black cardigan for warmth and had black, shiny flats on her feet.

She thought she looked pretty good.

“What’s wrong with the way she’s dressed, Royal?” Baron asked with a frown.

“Does she look like a bike

r chick to you?” Royal asked.

“No, but Ma doesn’t look like a biker chick,” Baron stated.

“True,” Royal mused. “Neither does Sunny. Jewel does, though.”

This was a very strange conversation.

Both boys took a moment to study her.

“Um, hi,” she said. “I’m looking for someone. Excuse me.”

“Royal! Baron! Don’t be so rude.” A gorgeous woman with white-blonde hair, dressed in a pair of flowing black pants and a tight white top stepped up to them. She looked like she could have walked straight off the catwalk.

And they thought that Millie looked out of place in this bar?

The woman reached them and immediately Baron stepped half in front of her, blocking her.

“Baron, get out of the way,” she said with exasperated affection.

“Ink said we were in charge of looking after you,” Baron told the woman.

The woman groaned. “He said no such thing.”

“Pretty sure he did,” Royal agreed.

“We’re supposed to watch out for you,” Baron added.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic