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Grabbing out her onesie next, along with her toiletries, she cautiously opened her door. She looked up and down the hallway.

Yes, she knew she was acting like an idiot, but she just wasn’t sure she could take any more of Spike tonight. Not without breaking down and begging him to hug her.

Or fuck her.

Millie wasn’t ashamed of her sex drive, exactly. But she had been raised by her grandparents. They’d never really talked about sex or boys. Everything she’d learned had first come from school then books. Then her few relationships.

She slipped into the bathroom and turned the lock. The bathroom was surprisingly nice. White subway tiles on the walls and grey tiles on the floor. A big sunken bath that made her sigh longingly.

Could she?

Biting her lip, she put the plug in and turned the water on. Then she searched through the cupboards and found a fresh towel. She opened up her toiletries bag and drew out her bottle of shower gel that came in a dinosaur container.

Yes, there was a theme going on here.

She poured a generous amount into the bath and nearly squealed in delight as bubbles appeared. She loved a good bubble bath. It was soothing. Relaxing. She stripped off her clothes then reached back into her toiletries bag.

Sticking her tongue out in thought, she glanced over at the lock on the door.

He’d never know. He was all the way down the hall. This door had a lock, unlike her bedroom door. So if she was going to do it, surely this was the safest place? The water would likely muffle any noise, not that it made much. She’d bought this one because it was extra quiet.

Oh, and also because it was shaped like a dinosaur.

Purple and long, the top of the vibrator formed the dinosaur’s head and could be used to stimulate the clit. Down the back of the vibrator were small scales and at the base was the power button.

If she didn’t do something about the buzzing in her body, she was certain she’d struggle to sleep. Mind made up, she turned the water off and climbed in, setting the dino vibe on the lip of the bath next to her. She washed herself first then she reached for her breast, plucking the nipple.

Felt so good.

She bit her lip to hold in a moan of pleasure. Even though she didn’t think he’d hear her, she didn’t want to do anything to embarrass herself.

Reaching for the vibe, she set it on low to begin with and rubbed the head of it over each of her nipples. Throwing back her head, she slid it lower, between her spread legs. She imagined Spike’s face between her legs, pleasuring her. His tongue against her clit. Then thrusting in deep.

A small moan escaped.

Careful. Careful.

She slid the vibe into her pussy then turned up the vibrations, using her middle finger of her other hand to toy with her clit.

So good. So good.

Her orgasm grew closer and closer.

Her imagination turned to Spike pressing her legs apart, to his firm, thick cock thrusting deep inside her.

A scream escaped her as she came.

Oh. Oh.

She panted, trying frantically to turn off the damn vibrator even as her hands shook.

Her pussy still clenched, her clit tingling as aftereffects ran through her. Shoot.

“Millie! Millie! Are you all right?”

She winced as Spike banged on the door. Damn. This was so embarrassing.

“Millie! Answer me now.” The door handle rattled as he tested it. Crap! The lock was one of those ones that you pressed in on the door handle. All he’d need to do was get a pin or needle to press in the hole on the other side and he’d be in here.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic