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He closed his eyes as he moved his hand harder. Faster.

Hazel eyes dancing with laughter. Looking up at him in concern. Soft hands touching him.

His balls tightened as his orgasm grew closer. He imagined those red lips wrapped around his shaft. Those breasts, loose and free, bouncing up and down as she rode him. Taking her from behind, slapping his hand down on her ass as he took her hard and fast.

Fuck. That was ridiculously fast. He groaned as he came, his heart racing, body taut.

Yeah, bringing her home with him was most likely going to turn out to be the dumbest thing he’d ever done.


All right.

No need to panic.

She’d faced down a man holding her at gunpoint. A room filled with rough, scary-looking bikers. A gang member intent on dragging his ex-girlfriend away with him.

She’d done all that without letting on how damn well terrified she was.

So she should be able to handle sleeping in Spike’s house without freaking out. Right? Right. It was no different than staying in the motel. Well, except for the fact that this was . . .

Spike’s house.

And he was just down the hallway. There was no lock on her door. She barely knew the man. And what she did know . . . well, he was bossy and abrupt and stubborn.

And protective. And caring, in his own weird way.

“You can do this. It’s not like he’s going to hurt you.”

Maybe it would be a good idea to let someone know where she was, though.

She shook her head. Who would she tell? It wasn’t like anyone was close enough to help her. She wouldn’t have come here with him if she’d even had an inkling that he might harm her.

Nope, that wasn’t the issue.

The issue was that she was attracted to him. And it was freaking her out.

Not to mention that everything that had happened tonight was piling up on her. Threatening to crack that box inside her, where it was all locked up tight. She tried to push all her fear into the box. But it felt like it was rocking, about to explode.

Calm. Down.

Reacting to what happened wouldn’t help her. It wouldn’t rewind the last few hours, hell the last few days.

The last few years.

She squeezed her eyes shut as a few tears dripped down her face. None of this would break her. She was strong. She could take on as much as she needed to.

Managing to calm herself down, she unzipped her suitcase. No one back home was going to understand why she’d agreed to come here. She didn’t get it herself. There was no way that Devil’s Sinners guy could find her at the motel.

This was a total overreaction on Spike’s part. Although it seemed like Damon and Grady had goaded him into it. She paused as she pulled out her dinosaur night light, plugging it in. She needed to remember to put it and Chompers away in the morning in case Spike came in here and saw them.

Had they done it on purpose? To get Spike to take her home with him?

Nah. That was stupid. Why would they do that? And Damon had more reason to want her with him since she was the only one who could point out the traitor. Well, her and that asshole, Luther. But she didn’t think he’d be spilling his guts anytime soon.

Anger flooded her as she remembered the way he’d talked about selling women for sex. He preyed on the young and vulnerable. Treating them like they were a commodity. She sat on the side of the bed and took a few deep breaths to stop herself from crying again.

Crying never helped a situation, Millie.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic