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Spike snorted. “That dickhead doesn’t scare me.”

Damon gave an arrogant nod. Well, she was glad they were so confident. Because she wasn’t so sure. He seemed shady.

Someone’s phone buzzed. Grady stood and pulled a phone from his pocket, walking into another room to answer it.

“Millie, I—”

“Fuck!” Grady stormed into the room, his face a thundercloud.

Damon straightened. “What is it?”

“Mitchell just found Jerry unconscious. The Devil’s Sinner guy is gone.”

“What the fuck!” Spike snapped, making her flinch. “You lost him?”

Damon’s jaw tightened at Spike’s words. “I want to know how.”

Grady nodded.

“We’ll find him,” Damon assured her.

“He’s going to come for her,” Spike stated angrily.

“But he doesn’t know who I am,” she pointed out. “Or where I’m staying.”

Grady rubbed a hand over his face. “He could find out. Even though none of us would say anything, we can’t guarantee that the girls won’t. And guys like that, they kill people for a lot less than what you did.”

“He’s going to need to save face,” Damon told her. “He’s likely pissed at all of us, but you are the most vulnerable. Which is why I think it would be a good idea for you to stay with me.”

“Stay with you?” She gaped at him.

“It would be my honor to keep you safe, Millie,” he practically purred.

“And she’d be conveniently placed for you to parade your men in front of her until she points out the rat,” Spike said sardonically.

Damon shrugged and sat back. “A bonus.”

“She ain’t staying with you.”

“She’s not? Where is she staying then?” Damon inquired.

“Well, I have a motel room—” she began.

“She’s staying with me.”

Those four words fell into the room with a sonic boom, leaving an eerie silence in its place.


Spike stared at the bathroom door.

Millie was on the other side. She’d excused herself after he’d laid out his offer.

Okay, it wasn’t an offer. She didn’t exactly have a choice. Even though Steele tried to give her one. There was no way Spike was letting her go stay with Steele in his cold, enormous mansion.

He’d never get her out.

And he cared because . . . fuck it. He wasn’t going to think about that too closely now. All he knew was that she was in danger. And he couldn’t stand the idea of her being out of his sight. Even knowing she was just in that bathroom was difficult for him.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic