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She’d never been looked at like that before. Like she was a tasty snack to be eaten up.

Suddenly, Spike appeared between them and she was staring at his sexy ass. Holy hell. How was it possible for a man to have such a gorgeous ass? The longing to reach over and squeeze one cheek was almost too much for her to resist.

“Not. Yours.”

Wait, what did Spike just say? She peered around to look at Grady who was gazing up at Spike, a small smirk on his face. Damon, though, was looking at her.

Holy. Crap. That was one intense look.

“Not yours, either. That means she’s fair game, yes? You don’t have a husband do you, Millie? A boyfriend?” Grady asked.

“N-no,” she said, not understanding what was happening.

“Back off,” Spike commanded. He sat beside her. Then he wrapped his huge arm around her shoulders, dragging her in close.

Spike and Grady stared at each other for a long moment.

Damon looked tired as he studied her. “Millie, could you describe the man you saw talking to Luther?”

“Sure, but he was pretty nondescript and the light wasn’t great. Taller than Luther, pale skin. Brown hair, I think.”

“Would you know him if you saw him?” Damon asked.

Spike stiffened as she nodded. “Yes, I’m certain I would.”

“You’re not using her to sniff out a rat in your ranks,” Spike stated.

Damon raised his eyebrows. “I’m not proposing to use her. I was merely going to ask for her help. You don’t mind, do you, Millie?”

She shook her head, not understanding why Spike suddenly leaned forward and jabbed his finger violently at Damon. “No, you’ll put her at risk. If this guy finds out you’re searching for him, if he knows that Millie saw him, then he could come for her.”

“There’s no way he’d learn about it. No one in this room would say a thing,” Damon said. “I need to know who it is. And who he’s working for. You’re sure they didn’t name him?”

She shook her head. “The other guy just called him the boss.”

“Likely Jared Bartolli,” Grady said. “Luther is married to his cousin.”

“Millie, you never said why you came to the city? How long have you been here?” Damon asked.

Should she tell them? “I arrived here a few days ago, I’m looking for someone.”

“Who?” Spike asked.

She didn’t want to say. Not because it was a big secret, but because she knew that talking about it would upset her. And she wasn’t ready to be that vulnerable in front of these men.

“How much longer did you plan to stay here? Do you have a job to get back to? Family waiting for you?” Damon asked.

“Oh well, I’d planned to stay as long as I needed to. Nobody is expecting me home at any time and I don’t have a job anymore. The library had to let me go.”

Sympathy filled the men’s faces. She couldn’t have that. Hastily, she changed the subject.

“Luther sounded like he wanted to rebuild what his father had. We can’t let him do that. We can’t let him use women like that. Hurt them. Pick on them when they’re vulnerable and alone.”

“You’re not having anything to do with it,” Spike growled.

“No,” Damon agreed. “This has nothing to do with you, sweetheart. You leave Luther to me. I’ll make sure he doesn’t have a chance to do that.”

“But what about his threats? It sounds like he was planning on hurting you both.” She looked at Spike.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic