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She slumped against him. “And nothing will hurt you because I won’t a

llow it.”

Picking her up again, he carried her to the bed and tucked her under the covers.

“Daddy, I can’t go to sleep right now,” she told him.

“Why not? Oh, you need Chompers. I’ll get him. Is he downstairs?”

“No, I mean, yes. But also, I’m naked,” she whispered.

“So you are. That a problem?”

“Ooh, does this mean we’re going to have some fun between the sheets?” She winked at him.

“Why are you blinking like that?” he asked. “Are you feeling all right?”

“I was trying to wink.” She huffed. “Obviously.”

“Sorry, baby doll. I can see that now.”

Somewhat mollified, she reached out for him. “How ‘bout you get naked too?”

“As much as I would like to, you’re not up to anything more than a cuddle right now.”

She pouted. “That’s no fun.” She sighed. “Hey, where’s Mr. Fluffy? He must be so upset at being left here alone.”

“If only that was the case,” he muttered.


“Nothing, baby doll. I’ll go get him and Chompers. You stay in bed, understand me? Move from the bed and as soon as you’re better that will be three ticks on the naughty side of your reward chart as well as thirty minutes in time-out.”

“Daddy, that’s just mean.”

“Stay put.”

She sighed. Honestly, it was like he didn’t trust her or something.

She was singing to herself and staring up at the ceiling when she swore she heard something. That sounded like a dog barking. Mr. Fluffy? And there went another dog. Huh. That was weird. And was that . . . nah, that made no sense.

The door to the bedroom opened and Spike walked in with Chompers and a bottle of fairy juice in one hand and Mr. Fluffy in the other.

“Daddy! Chompers! Mr. Fluffy! You’re all back! I waited such a long time. And I was a good girl. See?”

“Very good girl.”

He placed the bottle on the bedside table then set Chompers down beside her. He gave her a moment to cuddle Mr. Fluffy before placing him on his dog bed.

Then he stripped and turned off the main light before he grabbed the bottle and joined her in bed. He lay on his side, his head resting on his hand as he placed the nipple of the bottle to her lips. She suckled on it, drinking the slightly flavored water until she was sated. After putting the bottle on the nightstand, he lay down next to her, resting his arm over her waist.


“Yeah, baby doll?”

“I think I was hallucinating.”

He stiffened. “Why is that?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic