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Whoops. Talking out loud again.

Then he set her on her feet by the toilet and gently helped her sit. Moving away, he put some toothpaste on her toothbrush.

“See, Daddy? I didn’t have to go. Bet you feel silly now,” she sang.

“Baby doll, you’re peeing,” he replied dryly.

“What? No way.” She tried to lean forward to see and nearly toppled off the toilet. Spike carefully grabbed hold of her.

“Careful! You’ll hurt yourself.”

“Sorry, Daddy. You sure I’m peeing?”


Weird. She couldn’t feel a thing.

“They definitely gave you the good drugs, huh?” he said dryly.

“They sure did. I don’t know why you got so growly at the poor doctor, he was just trying to help.”

“He hurt you.”

“Nuh-uh, that was that big meanie, Luther. Where is he? Did someone take care of him? What does that mean? Take care of him? What will happen to him?”

“Don’t you worry about what that means,” he told her firmly. He crouched in front of her and reached for some toilet paper to clean her up. Maybe later, she’d be embarrassed about that. Right now, she didn’t care.

She loved these drugs.


“Nope. I won’t have you worrying about this. He is not your concern. Reyes took care of it.”

“He handed him over to Tabby’s cousin?”


“What about Tabby?”

By now he had her up and standing at the counter.

“Open up,” he told her.

She opened wide and he started brushing her teeth.

“Tabby is fine. Spit.”

She spat. “But where is she?”

“She went home with her cousin.”

“What? Noooo.” Tears dripped down her cheeks.

He cupped her face in his hands. “She wanted to go with him. Razor tried to convince her to go with them, but she wouldn’t. They couldn’t make her.”

“But what if he hurts her? Or marries her off to someone? Someone like Luther?

“We’ll try to keep an eye on her, all right? I promise.” He wiped her tears then drew her close. “I’m more concerned with you right now. You are my number one priority. From now on, nothing will hurt you. I won’t let it.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic