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Sunny’s eyes widened. “Yes. I wasn’t sure if you’d want to show me or not. Some people aren’t comfortable showing their Little side to other people.”

She wouldn’t be comfortable with just showing it to anyone, but Sunny was so warm and genuine it would be difficult not to relax around her. “Do you have a playroom?”

“Uh-huh. It’s awesome. It’s got this scene from Alice in Wonderland on the walls because that’s my favorite story. When you come over for one of our barbeques, I’ll show it to you.”

She scooted forward and went to push herself off the sofa with her good hand.

“What are you doing?” Spike appeared at her side, grabbing hold of her good arm to support her.

“I’m going to show Sunny my playroom.”

“If you wanted to get off the sofa, what should you have done?” he asked sternly.

She bit her lip. “Asked you for help?”

“That’s right.” He slid her good hand through his arm and lead them all towards the playroom.

Sunny clapped her hands as she entered in behind them. “This is so cool! Ooh, look at your stage.” Sunny skipped over to the stage, checking out the microphone. “Can you sing, Millie?”

“I’m okay.”

“You’re better than okay, baby doll,” Spike told her.

She smiled up at him.

“Daddy, can I have a stage in my playroom?” Sunny asked Duke.

“Course you can, little one,” he replied warmly.

“Millie, you know what you need for this stage?”

“No, what?”


“Ooh, yes.” Millie looked up at Spike, taken by Sunny’s enthusiasm. “Could we get some, Daddy? I could make some but . . .” She looked at her arm with a sigh. She couldn’t even get down on the floor to play like Sunny was currently doing, let alone sew anything.

“You can sew?” Sunny asked.

Millie nodded.

“Millie makes a lot of her own clothing,” Spike said proudly. “Including her onesies.”

“Ooh.” Sunny clapped her hands. “Can I see? Will you make me some?”

“Of course.”

“Come on, little rebel. We can arrange a play date for when Millie’s arm is better, okay?” Duke said to Sunny, holding out a hand to her.

“That would be so much fun. Betsy could come too. You can all come to my house. I have so much crafting stuff. I’ve got heaps of rhinestones and glitter and a glue gun. Although I’m only allowed to use that under supervision.” Sunny sighed.

“You could burn yourself. And I can’t have that,” Duke said sweetly, kissing the top of her head as he led her out of the playroom.

“Head into my office,” Spike told him. “We’ll make the call in there.”

She tensed as they made their way into his office. He led her to the sofa, helping her sit. Then he crouched in front of her, taking hold of her good hand. “You sure about this, baby doll? We don’t have to do it.”

She bit her lip. “I don’t know. I’m nervous for some reason.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic