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Nerves filled her as Spike left the living room to let Sunny and Duke through the gate. Sunny had offered to call the Fox for her. To maybe get some answers.

Was this the right thing to do? What did she even know about the Fox? That he was an assassin? That he’d killed the man who murdered Daria? And likely sent her a whole lot of money? Was it a good idea to ask him why?

Or was she best just to leave it alone?

Feeling like she might throw up, she glanced up as Spike walked back in followed by Sunny, who was wearing a pair of black jeans paired with a pink shirt. She had her dark-blonde hair tied back in a braid but there were fly-away pieces everywhere.

“Millie!” she called out with a big smile.

Millie smiled back. It was hard to resist Sunny’s infectious grin. She attempted to stand, pushing herself up with one hand, but Sunny waved her back down. “Don’t get up for us.”

Sunny leaned down and gave her a half-hug. “How are you doing? How is your arm? Are you in a lot of pain? I can’t believe you got shot!”

“Take a breath, little rebel. Give Millie a chance to answer you.” The dark-haired man from Reaper’s the other night walked into the room, giving Millie a wink. He was carrying a hot pink backpack in his hand that wa

s covered in rhinestones.

“Sorry,” Sunny told her. “Did you meet Duke the other night?”

“Ahh, no. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, sweetheart.”

Spike glanced over at Duke. “Nice backpack, man.”

Duke just shook his head as Sunny giggled. “I think pink is a good look on him.”

“I don’t think so, little rebel,” he replied as he sat on an armchair. Sunny perched on the arm and he lifted her to sit on his lap, setting the backpack on the floor. “Millie, how are you feeling?”

Spike came over and sat on the sofa next to her. “I’m feeling really good.”

“This guy taking care of you?” Duke nodded at Spike.

She smiled at Spike. “He is. He takes very good care of me. Although, I think if he had his way, he’d just carry me everywhere.”

“Damn straight,” Spike grumbled.

She rolled her eyes at Sunny, who grinned back at her. “These men of ours do tend to be overprotective.”

“Well, if you wouldn’t get yourselves into trouble, we wouldn’t have gray hairs from worrying over you,” Duke complained.

“Tell me about it.” Spike ran his hand over his bald head, winking down at Millie as Sunny giggled. “Want a beer?” he asked Duke who nodded.

Both men stood and made their way into the kitchen.

“I brought you a get-well card,” Sunny told her.

“You did? Thank you!”

Sunny pulled a card out of her backpack, showing it to Millie. It was handmade with a mess of glitter in the front and when she opened it, more glitter drifted out onto the floor.

“Whoops,” Sunny said with a giggle. “I might have gone overboard with the glitter.”

“I love it. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Sunny said shyly. “I’m so glad that Spike found you. Or that you found Spike. And that you’re a Little too. Like me and Betsy. Duke said he and the guys helped Spike with your playroom. Oh, I hope you don’t mind that he told me that?”

“Of course I don’t. Would you like to see it?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic