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He put through a call to Hack first.

“How’s our girl?” Hack answered.

He ground his teeth together. “Not our girl. Mine.”

Hack just laughed. Asshole.

“She’s not doing that great,” Spike admitted.

All sounds of amusement stopped. “What’s going on?”

“She’s not eating. Barely sleeping. Nightmares. I’m worried she’ll have another migraine soon on top of the one she just had a few days ago. She’s too stressed. Sad.”

Hack blew out a breath. “She’s dealt with a lot lately.”

“That’s just it. Millie doesn’t deal with things, she suppresses them.”

“And now that’s biting her in the ass,” Hack surmised.

“That your official diagnosis?” Spike snapped.

“Asshole.” Hack was silent for a moment. “Is she willing to talk to someone now? I know a guy in the lifestyle. He’s a Daddy Dom. Has his own Little. He actually shares her with his brother.” Spike had told Hack about Millie coming here to find out what happened to her sister. But he hadn’t gone into any detail. Hack knew nothing about the Fox and they wanted to keep it that way. The less people who knew, the better.

“Yes. If you can recommend someone.”

“Yeah, I have an idea. I’ll set it up, but probably won’t be able to get her in for a few days. You said eating has become difficult?”

“She said she feels nauseous each time she eats.”

“Protein drinks could help. I can get some sent to you by the end of the day. It will be from all the stress. Anything you can do to ease that will help. Distract her. Treat her like you normally would. Has she been in Little space since?”

“No. But I have an idea about that.”

* * *

Millie followed Spike down the hallway, wondering where he was leading her to. They reached a door she hadn’t opened before.

She knew he was upset that she’d barely eaten any lunch on top of her miserable attempt at breakfast. She had to do better or she was going to find herself getting more and more migraines.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked back at her. She was surprised to see he was nervous. Whatever was beyond this door meant something to him.

“If you don’t like it, we can change it. Or you don’t have to have any of it if you don’t want. I just thought it could be somewhere special for you.” He was rambling which was so unlike Spike. Her heart melted.

“Show me.”

He opened the door and stepped inside. She followed him, coming to a stop, her heart racing. She slowly turned in a circle, trying to take it all in.

“You did this for me?” she finally managed to ask.

“The guys helped.”

“How . . . I never even imagined . . . this is all for me?” Tears welled in her eyes. Shoot. She’d have thought she was all out of tears.

His face grew panicked. “It wasn’t supposed to make you cry! I can take it all back.”


“It’s too much—”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic