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God, her heart was breaking for him.

She reached for him with her good hand. “Spike, it wasn’t your fault.”

“I failed to protect her. I failed to protect you. I nearly lost you.”

“You couldn’t have predicted that I would get shot. No one could have.” She got it now. Why he was so overprotective. Why he’d brought her into his home when he barely knew her.

“Should never have let you leave the house. It won’t happen again.”

“What? Me leaving the house?” she joked. But she noticed that his face didn’t change expression. Holy. Shit. He meant that.

Okay, one issue at a time.

“Spike, it wasn’t your fault. Do you really think that Jacqui would want you to blame yourself? To live your life alone and in guilt? I didn’t know her, but she must have been pretty special for you to love her this much.”

“She was special.” He brushed some hair back from her face. “I need to warn you.”

“Warn me?” She felt like her head was spinning. She couldn’t keep up with him. Maybe this wasn’t the best time for this conversation. The drugs were obviously still messing with her head.

“I couldn’t let you stay with Steele, yet I couldn’t let myself feel anything for you. But I failed at that. Every day I think I fell in love with you more. You’re crazy and caring. Klutzy and cute. Loving.”

“Not sure all of those were compliments,” she muttered.

“They were. It’s just you. I love you, baby doll. I want you. But that might not be what’s best for you. I’m going to give you this one chance to tell me no. Because if you tell me you love me then there is no going back. You will be mine. In all ways. Your life will change. There will be no holding back. For either of us. I will know all of you. You’ll know all of me. It won’t be one of those relationships where we lead different lives. Unless I’m doing something dangerous, you’ll be with me. By my side. As my woman. And my baby doll. I will love you. Take care of you. Keep you safe. Sometimes my protection will feel like I’m smothering you. And I probably will be. But once you’re in, you’re all in. So this is it. Do you love me or do you want me to leave?”

She sucked in a breath. Say no to him? Was he kidding her? And whoa, who knew he could say so much at one time?

Before she could reply, the door to her room opened and Hack peeked in.

“Is it safe to come in?” Hack asked. “Or do I need to come back in combat wear? Should I bring Green in with me as protection?”

She giggled then hissed as it jolted her shoulder. The drugs seemed to be wearing off a bit.

“Don’t make her laugh,” Spike snapped with a scowl.

“Right. Don’t sit next to her. Don’t touch her hair. Don’t make her laugh. Now, am I allowed to touch her shoulder or is that off the table as well?”

She rolled her eyes at Hack’s questions. Spike wasn’t that bad.

“Only for medical purposes.”

Umm. Okay.

“Make her cry again and you’re gonna lose a limb.”

Right. She was beginning to see what he meant when he said things would go to another level.

Her being shot had triggered something inside him. Understandable given what happened to his wife. But the beast was out of the cage and he wasn’t going back in. She had a feeling she was barely going to be allowed to pee on her own.

Hack gave her a sympathetic look as though sensing her thoughts. “Right, business time.” Hack’s humor drained away. “Millie, you were a very lucky girl.”

“I was lucky to get shot?” That was an odd thing to say.

“Sounds like if Spike hadn’t tackled you, then that shot could well have hit something vital.”

“I owe him my life.” She looked over at Spike who appeared unconvinced.

“You should never have been in that parking lot to begin with,” he grumbled.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic