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“You fucking bastard.”

“I’ll watch over her. And you’re no good to her if you get sick.”

“You won’t leave her.”

“I promise.”

He ground his teeth together. He didn’t want to leave. But maybe he had to. In order to get his head on straight.

“Fine. Fuck. I’ll go. But if anything happens to her, I’ll rip out your insides and spread them from one end of the city to the other.”

“You always say the nicest things.”

* * *

As soon as he stepped into the house, he knew he’d made the wrong decision.

He stomped up the stairs to his bedroom. Their bedroom. It smelled like her. Bubblegum.

Fuck. He stripped and showered. Before getting into bed, he opened the window to let some air in. He was so fucking tired the room spun.

Yet he knew he wouldn’t sleep.

The house was so fucking quiet. So fucking cold.

How had he not noticed that she’d filled the house with warmth? With laughter. With her singing. Dancing. Talking to that damn dog.

He’d nearly lost her.

What was he doing? How had he ever thought he could say goodbye to her?

He couldn’t.

Fuck. He couldn’t.

Because he fucking loved her.

Christ. She’d wormed her way into his heart with her unfailing generosity. Her spirit. Her never say die attitude. No matter what was thrown at her, she bounced up and came back swinging.

“Jacqui, baby, I’m sorry.”

A warm breeze suddenly drifted through the open window. Tears rose in his eyes as he stared out the window at the stars. Could have been coincidence. Or his lack of sleep.

But he swore he almost felt Jacqui touch him. Smile. Give her blessing.

He knew that Millie had been holding back some things. So had he. The time for playing things safe was gone. He ran his hand over his face.

The only question was, how did he hold onto her? How did he keep her safe? How could he balance his need to protect her with still letting her breathe?

He couldn’t lie to himself. He knew he’d want to lock her up, keep her away from everyone who threatened her. Especially after what just happened.

But Millie wasn’t the type to be locked away for her own good.

She actually liked people.

He grimaced.

He’d have to find some sort of compromise. All he knew was that he wasn’t letting her go. And with that decision made, he finally gave in to exhaustion.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic