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She’d been fucking shot!

And yet what was the alternative? Letting her go?

Not happening. Mine.

The door to the hospital room opened and he shot up, on the defensive.

Hack raised his hands. “Easy, man. Just here to check on our little patient. Rachel said she woke up.”

“That rude nurse?”

Hack raised his eyebrows. “I see you’ve met her.”

“She’s sleeping again.”

“That’s good. She needs lots of sleep to help heal.” Hack turned to him. “You look like you could use some sleep yourself.”

“I’m fine.”


“I said I’m fucking fine.”

“And in a better mood than usual, I see,” Hack said cheerfully.

Spike just grunted. So he didn’t smile all the time like Hack did. So what?

“She’s going to require quite a bit of care when she leaves,” Hack told him. “Do you know if she has any family who can care for her?”

Anger filled Spike. “I’m going to look after her.”

“You are? I’m talking about around the clock care.”

“I can take care of her.”

“She must mean a lot to you then.”

“Stop fucking poking your nose into my business,” Spike snarled.

“Why don’t you go home, get some real sleep. I’ll call Ink, he can drive you. You’ll be no good to anyone if you collapse.”

Fuck. He was so annoying. There was no way he was leaving her.

But maybe that’s why you should. Distance. You need some sleep to get some perspective.

“I’ll stay the night,” Hack promised. “One of Ink’s guys is just outside. Nothing will happen to her. And I think the nurses are about one encounter away from calling security on you.”

“No. I need to stay.”

“Spike, unless you get some sleep, I’m not releasing her to you.”

“What?” he growled. He couldn’t fucking do that!

Hack stared back at him calmly. “Go home. Ink should be here any minute.”

“You already called him.”

“Yep. I did. Because you need to rest. If you don’t go, I’ll call security and have you hauled out of here.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic