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Mr. Fluffy growled up at him.


“Yes. Trouble. You’re getting a spanking.”

He kept hold of her hand as he led her through the front door, barely acknowledging the bouncer. He kept his gaze roaming the room, ever watchful for danger as they walked towards the door to Steele’s private rooms.

The guy guarding it merely opened the door and stepped to one side. He wondered what happened to Jerry, the guy who’d been knocked out while he was supposed to be watching Corey. Steele didn’t tolerate mistakes.

Upstairs, Steele was standing at the window looking out while Grady was working on a laptop at the table.

“Spike, Miss Millie,” Steele greeted them.

“Um, hi,” Millie said as they walked past.

“Need your bedroom,” Spike told him, taking the dog from her and handing him over to Grady, who looked shocked to find himself with an arm full of dog.

“Really?” Steele grinned like a lunatic.

“Spike!” she protested as drew her into the bedroom.

He stopped and turned to her, his hands on his hips. Maybe he was overreacting. She hadn’t gotten hurt. Which was surprising, considering how often the damn woman stubbed her toe. But he also wanted her to know that taking risks, even small risks, wasn’t acceptable.

“What are you doing? You can’t spank me!” she protested, her cheeks red.

“Am I your Dom?”


That word bit deeper than he’d expected.

“Am I your Dom?” he repeated.


“Yes, Sir or Yes, Daddy.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Okay, that soothed some of the rough edges.

“Did we agree that I’m in charge of your safety?”

She bit her lip, looking worried. “Yes, Daddy. But I wasn’t in danger—”

“I could have sped up. You could have tripped and fallen under the tires.” Okay, it was unlikely he’d speed up while parking or that she would fall beneath the tires, but you never knew.

“I’ve done it heaps of times before.”

He grimaced at the thought, feeling ill. “Don’t care. You don’t put yourself at risk under my watch and expect to get away with it.”

Chagrin filled her face. “Do you really have to spank me here? Couldn’t we wait until we go home?”

“You risked your safety, so no it can’t wait. Stand at the end of the bed, bend over and place your forearms on the mattress.

“But Damon and Grady will hear!”

“This room is soundproofed. They’ll just think we’re having sex.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic