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“Thanks.” She smiled happily.

“You really enjoy this.”

“I do. I’d love to do this as a job. I mean, I enjoyed my work at the library before I got laid off, but this really makes me happy.”

“You should do it.”

She shrugged shyly. “Not sure anyone would want to buy my stuff.”

“Don’t know until you try. I could give you the capital to start up a business.”

She stared at him, shocked. He looked a bit surprised himself.

“Oh, thank you. But that’s okay. It’s really just a hobby. And I have some money set aside anyway, if I need it.”

He looked like he wanted to ask her something then he seemed to think better of it. “Just got off the phone with Steele. He wants to know if you’d come to Pinkies tonight, see if you could spot the traitor.”

“Oh, is he going to have some of his men there?”

“Apparently a few of them are drinking there tonight.”

It could be a good opportunity. Plus, she really wanted to have a chat with Damon about what was happening with Luther. And Corey.

Spike scowled. “Don’t like you leaving the house.”

“I’ll be fine. I need to do this. I need to find this guy for Damon. Then he can find out who he’s working for. And maybe then he can focus on Luther. And nobody can find the Devil’s Sinners asshole. He’s likely left the city. I’ll stay with you the whole night, I promise. I’ll do everything you sa

y. But please, Spike. I need to get back to my life. And this is a step towards that. I can’t hide here forever.”

He studied her for a long moment then he grunted. “Fine, we’ll do this. But you will do exactly as I say when I say it.”

“Pinky promise.”


Irritation filled him as he turned his truck down the street leading to Pinkies. He had a bad feeling about tonight.

But how long could he keep her with him? Nobody had found asswipe, Corey. It looked like he’d left the city. Not to mention that the longer Millie stayed with him, the harder he was finding it to keep some distance between them. And he badly needed that distance.

So they were here. Against his better judgment.

This was better for her too, because he couldn’t give her anything more than he was. Not when his heart still belonged to his dead wife.


As he pulled into the parking lot at Pinkies, she undid her belt. He hadn’t even come to a stop before her door was open and she was jumping out, her dog in one hand, bag over her shoulder.

His heart nearly leaped into his throat. Quickly, he turned off the truck and grabbing the keys, climbed out. He beeped the locks as he strode over to where she was nearly at the door. Reaching out, he took hold of her hand, halting her.

“What was that?”

“What?” She gave him a surprised look.

“You just jumped out of a moving truck.”

“It wasn’t moving.”

“It damn well was. And you’re in trouble.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic