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She was so scared that her teeth were chattering. She knew they were searching for her. The dogs were howling. That sound sent chills up her spine.

What was she going to do? She was running out of time.

And she was out of steam.

Sore. Scared. Exhausted.

She might have given up already if it wasn’t for Ink. He’d be furious if anything happened to her. He’d blame himself for letting her go back there.

Right now, she wished she’d listened to him.

At least the boys would be safe. He’d promised her that.

Before Ink, that had been the only thing she’d wanted. The only thing keeping her going.

She reached into her pocket, pulling out her phone. She’d call him. He’d come for her. She looked at it in disbelief as it did nothing. No. No. No.

She knew it had been close to dying but she thought she’d have some battery left. She shouldn’t have watched that video so often!

A sob rocked her and she nearly gave up. The road. She needed to head to the road and hope she could flag down someone. Of course there was every possibility that she’d run into Forrest’s men rather than any savior. It wasn’t like there were many houses out this way.

Tears blurred her vision as she reached a deep ditch. It was next to the road and she’d have to make her way through it to reach the other side. Whimpers escaped. She didn’t want to go into the ditch. It was dark and she couldn’t see the bottom. What if it was filled with water? What if something lived in that water?

But it was the only way to get to the road. She slumped onto her bottom. Why? Why her? More barking rattled her and she knew she had no choice, she pushed off, sliding down on her ass.

She landed at the bottom of the ditch with a jolt. The impact sent pain up through her legs and water soaked her legs.

Great. Awesome.

Searching for any reserve of strength, she moved through the sludgy water, glad it was only knee-high and tried not to think of what might be in here.

When she reached the other side of the ditch, she attempted to pull herself up. She managed a few feet before her arms gave in and she collapsed back down on her ass.

It was hopeless, she was never going to make it. She might as well give up.

You’re a McClain, Elizabeth Victoria. McClains don’t give up.

Huh, for once Mama’s voice was encouraging.

Mind you, her father had been a McClain and he’d easily given up on them so she didn’t know how encouraging that was.

But she knew she needed to get out of here. Reaching up, she used the last of her strength to get out of the ditch. Then she collapsed on the side of the road. There was nothing left. No energy. No fortitude.

She lay there, panting desperately for air, wishing she was

stronger, better, braver.

I’m sorry, Daddy.

Ink drove his truck along the winding road, he was aware of the bikes that joined him once he was about fifteen minutes away from Forrest’s estate.

Stone had called in reinforcements.

He was grateful. He didn’t care what it took. He was going to storm that fucking estate. He was going to take back what was his and then he was never letting her out of his sight again.

Thank Christ no cops seemed to be around, because he wasn’t exactly sticking to the speed limit. Then again, he wouldn’t stop for them even if there was.

Nearly there. Five minutes out.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic