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“Where the fuck is she?” Ink roared as he paced Brody’s office. It was basically a room with desks loaded down with computer screens. His office was off the main security room, where screens were monitored by his guys remotely for several security contracts they had.

Brody was tapping on his keyboard, looking at different screens. He’d called Ink in just as he was leaving to go home and get changed for his date.

The date that would change his life. Betsy was gonna be his.

“Tonight was meant to go smoothly. How the hell did it go so fucking wrong?” he demanded.

The main room was quiet, which was unusual. But everyone knew he was walking a tightrope on his temper.

Betsy was missing.

“I don’t know,” Brody muttered. “When I put the cameras back on, she was missing. I can’t find her anywhere. I’ve tried calling her but it goes straight to voicemail. Either it’s off or dead. We never gave her a charger.”


“Is there any way of finding out what the hell happened while the cameras were down?”

Brody shook his head, looking worried.

Shit. Mother-fucking bastards. He knew he should never have allowed her to go back there.

He drew his phone out and brought up Seth Blue’s number.

“She’s not here boss,” Blue said immediately. He was stationed at the restaurant in case by some miracle she turned up.

“Fuck. Just stay the fuck there and call me if that changes.”

“Got it.”

“I’m going out there,” he said to Brody and Stone who stood in the doorway, watching him like he was a ticking time bomb.

Which is exactly how he felt.

“You can’t go out there,” Stone pointed out. “Their security is back up. It would be suicide.”

“How long has she been missing?” he demanded

“Around thirty minutes,” Brody said. “There’s something else. One of their guys was injured. They found him in the office. There are no cameras in there, but I saw them open the door then drag him out.”

Jesus. He fucking hated this.

“Could she be in the office?” Stone asked.

“Guess it’s a possibility,” Brody said.

“Are there any other parts of the house where you don’t have eyes?” Ink asked.

“Yeah,” Brody looked ill as he said this part. “The basement.”

Ink let out a pained roar. “Fuck! I’m going. I don’t care about their fucking security.” He moved towards the door.

“Ink,” Stone said.

“She’s my woman. Right now, she could be injured, frightened, fuck knows! If they found her snooping around who knows what the hell they would do to her. I have to find her!”

“Fine. But not alone!”

Ink shoved past him. “Whatever! But if you’re coming hurry the fuck up!”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic