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He did? Who the hell was that? And why was he looking him up?

“I knew something was wrong. We still went in.”

“You told your superior, he didn’t listen, he sent them in. It’s on him not you.”

“So my fucking therapist tells me.”

Reyes sighed. “I know you don’t like me. That you blame me for getting the club involved with Bartolli, with the money laundering and blackmailing the senator.”

“It was Smiley’s fault. He paved the way.”

“And I cemented it,” Reyes said without a hint of guilt. “But the club is my life. And the brothers are my family.”

Ink nodded. He knew that.

“Do anything for any of them. Including kill someone.”

He’d already proven that when he’d killed Fergus Bartolli.

“That extends to Sunny and Jewel. And now your woman. Betsy thinks she’s weak, but you and I both see the truth. She’s fucking strong. She just needs a bit of help. We’ll help her, Ink. You don’t have to do this on your own. Just remember that. Like me, don’t like me. But I’ll help you get your girl safe.”

“Took everything I had to let her go.”

Reyes snorted. “Shocked the shit out of me that you let her go. Thought I’d walk in here to find you had her tied to the bed.”

“It was close.”

“Hmm, sometimes I think we clash because we’re so alike.”

Ink wouldn’t go that far.


Her stomach was alive with nerves as she snuck down the stairs. The cameras were off again. The alarms were blaring. Brody had done a good job of setting them off over the last few days. They’d had a technician out twice and he’d been unable to find what was wrong.

The guards were getting complacent, which was precisely the point.

Thank God Kit had gone with Forrest on business this time. He was still monitoring her phone, she was certain. But she knew that if he’d been home the guards wouldn’t be nearly as accepting of the security measures being down.

She was supposed to be going on a date with Ink in two hours. She had watched the video on unlocking doors with a card what felt like hundreds of times. She’d practiced on one of the bathroom doors which had a similar lock during the other times that the cameras had been down.

Still her heart raced nervously as she forced the card in and wiggled it. The door opened and she re-locked it once she was inside. Moving quickly, her heart racing, breath coming in fast pants she strode to his computer and shook the mouse. It came on. It took her three attempts to get the pen drive into the slot.

Calm down. Calm down.

She expected someone to barge into the room at any moment. For there to be some other alarm on a different system or a camera that Brody hadn’t managed to pull down. But nobody came. She slid the pen drive out when it was finished.

Maybe she should take a quick look around. But he wouldn’t leave anything out where she could just find it. It would all be in his safe.

And she didn’t have any clue where that was.

There was nothing more she could do. She moved to the door and unlocked it. Now the tricky part. Stepping out when she had no idea if there was anyone on the other side.

Taking a deep breath, she cracked open the door and tried to peer out. Not seeing anyone, she stepped out and shut the door behind her. Shoot! She’d forgotten to relock it.

“Hey, Betsy, what are you doing down here?” a gruff voice asked.

Thing One. Her heart raced. Could have been worse, though. Could be Thing Two. She turned and glared at him. “What are you doing here?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic