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“Why don’t we give her a burner phone?” Brody suggested. “The smallest one should fit in her bra.”

Ink whacked him on the side of the head. “Stop staring at her chest.”

“I wasn’t checking her out.”

She bit her lip. “I could try to hide it. If I wear it in my bra on silent all the time, they shouldn’t find it. Same as the credit card.”

“You should take a back-up card, just in case,” Brody told her, handing over a burner phone. Ink grabbed it and started tapping away on it. “Use the phone to watch a video on using the credit card to unlock the office door. You should practice first, if you can.”

She nodded nervously.

Surprisingly, it was cold man who handed her another card.

Ink growled. “I hate this. Brody will hack into the security system and mess it up several times so the guards get used to it being off-line. Don’t attempt to enter the office until Wednesday, just before our date. Then bring it with you. Got it?”

Betsy nodded. Her heart was racing.

“If you need us to come in and get you before then, call or text me on the burner phone.”

She wouldn’t be doing that, but she agreed.

“I’m going to take you back to the room. Okay?”

“Will you be in trouble for coming with Ink to the hotel?” Duke asked worriedly.

“No, I don’t think so. Forrest wants me to get close to Ink. He’ll probably approve.”

“Write down his address,” Brody told her. “Anything you can think of in regards to the security system. A name, what it looks like, are there any cameras in the office?”

“I don’t think so,” she said as she grabbed the pen and paper he offered, writing anything down she could think of. “But there are in the passage outside and the rest of the house. Even my room.”

Ink made a noise like he’d been punched.

“I’ve grown used to getting dressed with a towel on,” she said quietly.

“Let’s go,” he told her, taking her hand in his. He cupped her chin. “Just remember, I’m here. I’ll get you out whenever you need to leave. And I will keep you safe. You and your sons. I fucking promise.”

He kissed her gently then escorted her back to the other bedroom.

Ink waited until she’d left then stomped back into the other room. He let the rage flood through him. He’d been holding it back by the bare skin of his teeth. Knowing what she’d been through, about her issues with people yelling, he’d held back.

But he couldn’t anymore.

He slammed his fist into the wall. Drew it back. Not enough. He punched the wall again.

“You’ll need to work on those anger issues unless you want to scare her,” Reyes commented. Brody and Duke had disappeared somewhere.

“I don’t have fucking anger issues,” he snarled, turning to face the other man who watched him coolly.

“The wall would beg to differ.”

“Fuck you.”

Reyes sighed. “You know what it’s like to have someone else calling the shots in your life and to be helpless to change things. You weren’t to blame for what happened to half your team.”

Fucking Duke. He’d kill him for telling Reyes Ink’s business. “Duke told you?”

“No,” Reyes said. “I’ve got a Brody of my own.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic