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“Private place? Brown eyes, you can say it. Say the word.”

Nope. Nuh-uh. No way.

Really Betsy? He has his finger inside you. I think you can say the word.

“Where’s my finger, Betsy? Where is it?”

She didn’t care that there was the possibility that someone could see them. All she cared about was pleasing him.

Then he might just please her.

“It’s in my pussy.”

“Your tight, slick, warm pussy. Hmm, why haven’t I done this before? All those nights wasted at the club when I could have had my fingers, my tongue, buried deep inside you.”

She tensed slightly. “You think the nights were wasted?” Had he hated their time together? Had he been just indulging her Little side?

She was surprised that Forrest hadn’t mentioned anything about the two of them spending time in the Littles’ room. Someone had to have reported it to him. At first, she’d simply felt safer in there. But now she’d come to crave it. It was the only time she had ever been able to let go of some of the fear she lived with.

“Fuck. Wrong words, brown eyes. Hey, look at me. Nope, you know the rules. When I tell you to look at me then you damn well look. At. Me.” There was a snap to his words and worried he was upset with her, she raised her gaze to his.

“I’m not mad at you, brown eyes,” he told her.

It worried her sometimes, how he managed to read her so easily. Made her wonder how much longer she’d be able to keep this charade up.

They’d spent nearly every Friday and Saturday night for the last month together. It wasn’t enough. Not nearly. And yet those memories were going to have to sustain her. All she’d have was them and tonight.

Make the most of it, Betsy.

“You sound mad.” She winced at the lost note in her voice.

“I am. At myself. Not one second of those nights were wasted, baby. I promise you that.”

“Are you sure? We spent a lot of time in the Littles’ room. Maybe you wanted something else. Something more.”

She was retreating into herself. She could feel it.

He moved his finger, pulling it out of her and she shut her eyes against the disappointment. But he just drove it back into her. She let out a small moan.

She should probably stop him. When he found out what she’d done, he’d likely feel like she’d used him.

He’d hate her.

While she was sitting here wanting to take in every memory, he had no idea of her lies and deceptions.

Yes, he would hate her. She needed to stop this. Now.

“Listen to me. I enjoyed every fucking moment I spent with you. Truth is, I’ve been missing something in my life for a while now. I’ve played with lots of subs, brown eyes. Not gonna lie. But I’ve had very few women in my life who could reach all parts of me. The man. The Dom. And the Daddy. So don’t think for one moment that I’ve wished for anything to be different. I love spending time with your Little. I want to spend more time with her. With all of you. I want to play with you during the day then fuck you all night long.”


“What have I told you about being adorable? Damn, it just wants to make me fuck you more. I’m probably moving too fast, huh?” He gave her a small grin. “Still, at least I’ll get a small taste of you.”

What did he mean?

She watched, shocked as he withdrew his fingers from her pussy and placed them in his mouth, sucking them clean.

He hummed. “Yeah. Fucking delicious.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic