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A growl erupted from him and he slid closer. “I’m trying real hard not to grab you right now, because I know that will scare you. You shouldn’t be scared, but you should be wary. Because I’ve staked my claim and I’ll defend it however I need to.”

“Are you saying…that you’re claiming me?”

“Already done it, brown eyes.”

“Umm, I don’t think you can just claim a person.”

Amusement flooded his eyes. Would she ever keep up with him?

“No? Tell me, brown eyes, do you want me?” His gaze moved to her nipples and even in the dim lighting back here, she just knew that he could tell they were hard.

It was his freaking superpower.

“If I was to push my hand under your skirt right now…”

Her breath hitched as he followed his words with actions. This was not happening.

“If I was to run my finger over your panties…”

Oh Lord give her strength.

“If I was to touch your pretty, plump pussy…”

He ran his finger along her slit.

“Would I find it nice and wet?”

It wasn’t a question. Because he knew the answer. But his finger paused and he stared down at her, waiting.

Her breath hitched, raced.

“You already know the answer.”

“Ahh, but I’m an auditory learner. I have to hear the answer to truly understand it.”

A growl rumbled through her chest.

He grinned. There was a flash of white teeth. “Why, brown eyes, did you just growl at me?” Leaning in, he gently bit her ear. “You shouldn’t growl at your Dom. That’s very naughty.”

Her eyes closed briefly. “But we’re not at the club.”

“That doesn’t matter. The rules might be relaxed or tightened, depending on the situation, but never forget, I am in charge. And don’t think I don’t know that you’re deflecting. You know what that gets you, don’t you?” He slowly circled her clit as he laid out his threat. “You know, I think I’m also a kinesthetic learner. I learn by doing.”

“The waitress could come over!”

“She’s been told to stay away until I signal. Do you think she knows what I’m doing to you back here? I chose this booth for a reason. It’s nice and dark. Secluded. Still, I think somebody would probably notice if I pulled you over my lap and spanked you, wouldn’t they? So best you do as I say.”

Damn it. How had she ever thought him a gentleman? He was the devil. Sexy, sinful, an overload to the senses.

But in the best possible way.

If this was going to be the last time she got to see him, then she was throwing caution to the wind. No holding back.

“I’m wet for you,” she murmured.

As though in reward, he slid his finger deep inside her. He lightly bit her neck. “Good girl. You’re still getting spanked. But I know that was hard for you.”

“Mama never covered dining etiquette when your date has his fingers in your…umm…private place.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic