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She spun. Yeah, he didn’t think she’d let him get to three.

Lifting her skirt, she revealed the ruffled panties he’d bought for her. They were pink and above the three layers of ruffles were the words, Cute as a Button.

“Good girl,” he told her. “You can stand up now.”

Shit. His cock was already hard and pressing against his jeans. She stood and turned to him. “Is that why you call me button?”

“Because you’re cute as a button? It definitely is.”

She smiled shyly.

“Come on.” He held out his hand to her, letting her slip her cool fingers into his. “Gonna do something a bit different tonight.”


“We’re gonna have a talk. In private.” They walked through the dungeon and over to the stairs where the private rooms were. The monitor at the door handed over the keycard to the room he’d reserved.

He led her up the stairs to the correct room, unlocked it then held it open for her to enter.

She drew in a shocked gasp when they entered. “Umm, Sir?”

“It was the only room they had available,” he explained. He’d never actually been in here before. “It’s the harem room.”

“H-harem room?”

“Yeah, if you want to act out a fantasy of having a harem.”

“You mean one man and multiple women?” She gaped at the huge bed that looked like it could fit at least ten people comfortably.

There was a wall of cupboards which held all sorts of implements from dildos to restraints to crops and lots of lube.

Lots and lots of lube.

“Yeah, or the reverse.”


He had to grin at her shocked face. “There are people out there who live in permanent ménages or with multiple partners.”

“Seriously? I mean, I knew there were books about it, but it’s real?”

“It is. I have a friend who likes to share with his two best friends. And not just for a fuck.”

“Wow. You learn something every day.”

“You can explore, brown eyes. Nothing in here will bite. Although be careful of some of the vibes in the cupboard.”

She shot him a look and he grinned.

“What are we doing in here? Aren’t we going to the Littles’ room?”

He sat on a huge fucking armchair. This thing would fit three people comfortably. Widening his legs, he crooked a finger at her. “Come here.”

She walked over, stopping when she was right in front of him, his thighs bracketing hers.

“You like being in the Littles’ room, don’t you? You feel safe there.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic