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“Did you like your spanking last time?”

She shook her head. He drew back to give her a stern look. “I’m gonna give you some time to think about how you want to reply. Because I want an honest answer. You can think while you’re getting changed.”

“Ch-changed? But I’m dressed under this coat, Sir.”

“I have something else I want you to wear. Will you do that for me?”

“You…you bought me something?” There was a note of wonder in her voice that shocked him. Had it been so long since someone bought something for her?

“I did. And it’s yours to keep.”

Damn. The look of amazement on her face made him want to go out and buy her a whole damn shop.

Drawing the shopping bag out of his duffel, he handed it to her. Then he offered her his hand. He insisted that she hold his hand when they were at the club, unless they were in the Littles’ room. It meant he could keep her where he could see her, since she had a bad habit of walking behind him.

He also fucking liked holding her hand.

Jesus. What was happening to him? When did he get like this? All soppy and shit.

He stopped outside the women’s changing rooms. “I’ll meet you back out here. Five minutes. You take any longer and it’s ten spanks for each extra minute.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Hmm, maybe it was time to take things a bit further. Perhaps he’d been moving too slow. He walked into the men’s changing rooms and put his duffel in his locker. Grabbing his phone, checking the app for the club. Luckily, they were early enough that one of the privacy rooms was still empty. He booked it and then left the changing rooms to wait in the corridor for her.

She stepped out right on time. A shy look filled her face.

“Do a twirl, button,” he said in a deep voice.

She turned slowly, and he took all of her in. He’d found a pale blue T-shirt that tied at the waist and had the words, I’d rather be in Little space, written across the front. He’d matched it with a short, tiered skirt that was blue and white striped.

“Adorable,” he told her huskily.

Her cheeks were red. “I can’t believe you bought me panties.”

He had to grin. “Show me.”

She gaped up at him. “Show you?”

“Uh-huh.” They were alone since it was still early, but the fact that someone might come along would just add to her trepidation.

Yep, he was definitely pushing her more now.

“Turn around, bend over and lift your skirt up. Show me your panties.”

Those pretty pink lips of hers parted. Then shut.

“Betsy, I’m going to count to three. If I get to three and you still haven’t moved then I’m going to bend you over, pull down those panties and spank your naughty bottom until it’s bright red.”

Her eyes darted around. Making sure they were alone? Or looking for help?

Amusement filled him. She was in the wrong place if she thought anyone around here would object to the way he decided to punish her.


Still nothing.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic