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“He sent her a damn motorcycle.”

The legs of Ink’s chair slammed to the floor. Even Reyes appeared shocked at this announcement.

“He did what?” Ink demanded.

“He sent Sunny a motorcycle. Woke up this morning to find it on my front lawn. It’s bright pink. Custom made. Had a huge fucking bow attached. And get this? It’s got God damn rhinestones glued to the mud guards.”

“Those won’t last,” Reyes scoffed.

Duke swirled on him. “Oh, they will. Because she is never, ever getting on that fucking bike.”

“I cannot believe he bought her a bike.” Ink scowled. “You’re gonna have to do something about that.”

“You think I don’t know that? She’s trying to talk me into giving her riding lessons! She just learned how to ride a bicycle, what on God’s Earth is she thinking? Wanting to learn to ride a hog? Not happening. No way.”

“If she wants to learn to ride, isn’t it better that you teach her,” Reyes said reasonably.

Both Ink and Duke turned to scowl at him.

“I cannot believe you think it would be a good idea to let Sunny ride a hog,” Duke rumbled.

“Lots of women ride motorcycles.”

“I don’t care what they do, they’re not Sunny. If you had a Little, would you let her ride your hog?”

There was a slight puckering at Reyes’ brow as he thought about that. They all knew he’d be the most possessive, protective Top of them all.

“And would you be happy with another man buying it for her?” Ink asked. “A fucking custom-made one?”

“I get your point,” Reyes rumbled out, his fingers tapping a tune on the desk. “What are you going to do about it, though?”

Duke sighed and sat on a chair. “Damned if I know. When she woke up and saw it, she was thrilled. She thought it was from me.” He winced. “I may not have handled things so well when I saw the card.”

“What did it say?” Ink asked.

“Nothing. It had an image of a Fox’s head on one side and of the sun on the other.”

“Where is Sunny now?” Ink inquired.

“Having breakfast with Jewel. She’s pissed at me. I might have threatened to have the bike crushed into a cube.”

Ink sighed. “Duke.”

“Yeah, not my finest move. She said anything I do to her bike, she’s gonna do to mine.”

Ink grinned. Underneath that sweet exterior, Sunny could be vicious.

“You can’t let her get away with that threat,” Reyes growled.

Duke and Ink shared a look. When Reyes fell for a woman, he was gonna fall hard. And fast. And then he would realize that when it came to your woman you would do anything to make them smile. And nothing was ever black and white.

“Surprised to see you here, thought you’d disappeared off the face of the planet,” Duke rumbled at Ink.

“Just because you’re in trouble with Sunny is no reason to take your bad mood out on the rest of us,” Ink replied calmly.

“Jesus, since when did you grow all calm and, are you relaxed?”

“I know how to relax.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic