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He moved over to sit with Zac.

“Everything okay, man?” Zac asked him, nodding over at Betsy who stood next to Lara. The other woman was giggling and moving around like a small tornado. Betsy appeared shellshocked. But he could see she was trying to make an effort.

“Not really.”

Zac nodded as though he’d been expecting that answer. It wasn’t hard to see things weren’t right in Betsy’s world.

Question was, what was he going to do about it?

Betsy climbed into the back of the black Lincoln town car. Kit was humming a song she didn’t recognize. It seemed odd for such a cold man to hum.

“Make contact again?”

She’d pulled on her emotionless mask during the walk from the club to the car. There were always people watching.

She couldn’t trust anyone.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Her life was a time bomb. She just didn’t know when it would explode.


“Things moving further along?”


“That’s what I like about you, Betsy. You’re a woman of few words.”

She didn’t reply.

“Boss will want a progress report soon.”

Tick. Tick. Tick.

“Not a lot to report.”

“That’s not what he wants to hear.?


She heard the threat but didn’t acknowledge it. The boss wanted results. And that’s what he would get.

One way or another.


“I’m going to fucking kill him!”

Ink glanced over as Duke stormed into Reyes’ office, looking like the devil had possessed him. Duke paced back and forth across the room. He ran his fingers through his hair, tugging at it forcefully.

“Goddamn, motherfucking asshole,” Duke muttered. “Who the hell does he think he is? I’m going to kill him. As soon as I pay back the favor I owe him, I’m going to damn well kill him.”

Ink looked over at Reyes. There was only one person that Ink knew of who could rile Duke like this.

Ink leaned his chair back on two legs, trying to hide his grin. “So what did the Fox do now?”

Duke paused, glared at Ink then over at Reyes who was watching him coolly.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic