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The need to touch her, to hug her, to reassure her flooded him.

As soon as he let go of her waist, her legs gave out on her and he caught her, standing and drawing her up into his arms.

She let out a small cry

“Easy, brown eyes. I’m just going to carry you over to somewhere more private so I can give you aftercare and we can have a talk. You’re all right.” He kept his voice low, calm.

“I can w-walk.”

“Since you nearly fell over when I just helped you up, I’m thinking that walking right now isn’t a good idea. And look, we’re already here.”

He set her down on a cool, leather couch. She immediately hissed and rolled onto her side.

“Yeah, sitting might be a bit painful for a while,” he said almost cheerfully.

“You think?” she muttered, probably not expecting him to hear.

He forced himself to give her a stern look. “You just got your butt spanked; do you really think sassing me right now is a good idea?”

Her eyes widened and he had to hold back a smile. Truthfully, he didn’t much give a shit. In fact, he kind of liked the show of attitude.

“Sorry, Sir.”

He crouched down in front of her. “I’m letting it go with a warning. This time.”

He stood. A cool hand wrapped around his wrist. “Please don’t go.”

“I’m just going to go get you a drink of water,” he soothed.

“I’m not thirsty. Please don’t leave me Sir.”

“All right, brown eyes.” He reached up for a blanket, placing it gently around her. His fingers brushed against the skin of her arm. Shit, she was chilled.

“You’re freezing,” he commented as he sat beside her.

“I always run a bit cold.”

“After a scene or punishment, a Dom should always make sure you’re okay. If you need some time to readjust, he’ll sit with you, talk to you, get you a drink. Take care of you. And it’s not just for you. A lot of Doms need this time too. I would like to hold you for a bit. Is that all right with you?”

There was a beat of silence. He felt sure she would turn him down.

“I think that would be okay,” she said so quietly he almost asked her to repeat herself. Instead he reached out and put an arm carefully around her shoulders, drawing her into his body. She shocked him by letting out a big sigh and leaning into him. He ran his fingers up and down her arm, wishing he was touching her bare skin rather than the blanket that lay over her.

“Is there anything you want to talk about? Something you might have felt that you don’t understand?”

More silence.

“No, Sir.”

“All right,” he murmured. “But it’s good to know how you feel after a scene or punishment so I can know whether you need any help understanding something.”

She tensed slightly and he thought she might say something then she slumped and shook her head. “I’m okay.”

“All right, Betsy.” Disappointment flooded him. And he forced himself to pull back.

He wasn’t looking for complicated.

“Why didn’t you reach out for help from anyone when Master Dean approached you? When I saw you, you were just standing there, doing or saying nothing.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic