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“You’re cold.”

“I don’t have much on.”

He had to stop himself from checking her out. He’d deliver this spanking, drop her off in the Littles room area then go find someone to play with.

Simple, right?

He positioned her over his lap. She was wearing another of those outfits that was basically made up of a series of straps. Did she get a two-for-one deal or something? If she was his, he’d dress her in something sweeter. Softer. Something that matched her personality better.

But she’s not yours.

“This time, the spanking is over your panties. Next time, they’re down around your ankles, understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied with a small sniffle. It sent a crack through his h

eart. Christ. If he let her, she’d worm her way on through his barriers with her big sad eyes.

He thought about trying to ease her into it, but maybe that was more like torture since it was just delaying the inevitable.

The first smack of his hand against her ass had her jolting. She let out a small gasp, but that was it. He spanked her right cheek then her left. Back and forth, he covered her entire small ass with hard smacks of his hand.

After ten, he paused and took stock. She was quiet.

“Betsy? Are you all right?”

She stiffened and tried to turn her head to see him, but in this position that wasn’t easy and she soon gave up.

“Yes, Sir.” She sounded calm. Betsy definitely had walls. They were thick. He wondered what it would take to get them to drop.

A lot of time and patience and commitment, likely.

Things he didn’t have much of.

“Is it…is it over?” she asked hesitantly.

“No, brown eyes. You have ten more.”

“Okay, Sir.”

He smacked his hand down on her ass again. Harder. She grunted.

Smack. Smack. Smack.

He could feel her ass growing warmer under his hand. A few people stopped to watch. After landing the last few spanks, he placed his hand on her bottom. A small shudder worked its way through her.

Maybe she wasn’t as unaffected as he’d thought.

“All over, brown eyes,” he murmured, rubbing her lower back.

He helped ease her up, standing her on her feet between his legs. Her gaze was downcast.

“Betsy, look at me,” he said firmly.

She kept her face down.

“Betsy,” he warned.

She raised her gaze and there was a look of raw emotion on her face that shocked him. It looked like longing and fear all tied into one. Then her eyes closed and the look was gone, her mask back up.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic