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He reached over to the bedside table to grab the painkillers and water. He helped her take both then lay facing her. He ran his fingers lightly down her cheek.

“Maybe I should just lock you in your room. Then you’d be safe.”


“Nope?” he asked.

“No collar and lead. No locking me in my room.”

“You take all my fun away, brown eyes.” He actually pouted. She rolled her eyes.

“I’m so glad you’re okay, Betsy. If I lost you…” his voice broke and this time she gathered him close, holding him tight. “That’s enough talk on all of this. Yesterday you were kidnapped and shot. You have a concussion. You need to rest and not stress, all right? No more thinking about it.”

“I’m free,” she whispered.

“You’re free, brown eyes.”

“I love you.”

“I know, you tell me often enough.”

“Ink!” she laughed.


“Don’t you think a month is a bit excessive?” she moaned as she sat on the kitchen counter. “It’s been three weeks. I’m fine now. Even Hack said so.”

These past three weeks, Ink had been coddling her something wicked. She’d been made to stay in bed the first week, and any whining had been noted down his Betsy is a Bad Girl notebook.

She needed to find a way to burn that thing.

Once Hack had declared her fully healed, she’d received one hell of a spanking because of all th

e infractions in that book. She hadn’t been able to sit comfortably for days.

But even though Hack had given his approval for her to go back to work, Ink was still insisting that she stay home. The boys were heading off to school today. It was their first day. Both she and Ink had realized they needed some more adjustment time after her kidnapping and last week they’d all gone to Florida for a few days in the sun at the beach.

It had been what they’d all needed. But now the boys were headed off to school and she was ready for life to go back to normal. Well, a new normal anyway.

Nothing had surfaced regarding Rex’s death, so either Forrest didn’t have any evidence or it hadn’t been found by the FBI. Each day that passed, a bit more tension left her.

Sunny and Duke had discussed using the number she had to call the Fox for more answers, but in the end Sunny said no. That she didn’t think he’d give them the answers anyway.

Betsy agreed.

Spike had tracked down Jana. She’d broken bail and ended up back in jail. Betsy wasn’t sure that Ink was going to let that be the last of it, but she’d remain in jail until her sentencing. So they’d have to wait and see what happened to her and Myers.

Ink moved in closer, lowering his voice. The boys hadn’t come down yet. “After breakfast, we’ll take the boys to school. I’ve taken the day off to spend with you. It’s been a long time since you had a proper Little day.”

Excitement filled her.

“And today, during nap time, you’re going to wear a fat plug in your bottom. Then after naptime, I’m going to fuck your ass. How does that sound?”

Her heart raced. She licked her dry lips. “Really?”

He nodded. His face filled with heat. She jumped off the counter and ran towards the stairs.

“Where are you going? And don’t you dare run up those stairs!”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic