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“What is it?” Ink barked.

She tensed, not certain how much more she could take.

“A small plane crashed trying to take off from a private airstrip in South Dakota. All the people inside were killed. Including Forrest Robins.”

Shock filled her. He was dead. Wait, is that what…

“Was that the tree problem?” she whispered.

The Fox had killed Forrest?

“Thanks, man,” Ink said to Stone who left again.

“Do you really think that the Fox killed Forrest?” she asked.

They were all silent then Ink sighed. “More than likely, brown eyes.”

“But why?”

“Who knows why the hell he does anything?” Duke grumbled.


Dirt rained down on her. She couldn’t stop it from covering her mouth. She was completely covered. Unable to breathe.

She was going to die!


“Brown eyes, wake up! Wake up now! You’re safe. Wake up for Daddy! Right. Now.”

“D-Daddy. Daddy. Daddy.” It was all she could say. All she wanted. She just wanted him. Surrounding her. Making her feel safe. Keeping the bad things at bay.

What in her life had she done to deserve him?

A light flickered on.

“I’m here. I’m here, brown eyes. Shh, you’re safe now. You’re safe. It was just a nightmare. I promise, you’re safe. Nothing bad is ever going to touch you again. I’ve damn well had enough of this. I’m tired of people fucking hurting you. It’s not happening again. Understand.” He cupped her face between his hands, glaring down at her.

“I understand,” she whispered.

“Ain’t nobody getting to you. Even if I have to fucking put a collar and lead on you and keep you by my side twenty-four-seven then that’s what I’ll do.”

She might have smiled if she hadn’t heard the note of seriousness in his voice.

“Might make going to the toilet a bit difficult.”

“Like I fucking care.”

“I might care, Daddy. A girl needs her privacy.”

“What the fuck for? Safety trumps privacy.”

She sighed. “There are things a girl doesn’t want her man to see.”

She rubbed at her throbbing head.

“Christ. Brown eyes, I’m sorry. Here let me get you some painkillers.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic