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“Okay, huh? All right. Brown eyes, Ryan told me where you are. I’m coming to get you. Are you safe?”

“I…I think so.”

“You think so?” he asked sharply.

She swallowed heavily. “I’m in a clearing. It makes me kind of nervous to be out in the open like this, but I’m scared if I move back into the trees that I might lose cell service.”

“Shit. I’m coming, okay?” There was a muffled noise, like he had his hand over the receiver.

“Ma?” a different voice came through the phone.

“Baron?” she asked, voice trembling.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine, honey.”

“Ink, Stone, Reyes and Spike are riding out to get you. We want to come too.”

“No!” she said sharply. “Please, Baron. I need you and your brother to stay safely at home. Please.”

He made a low noise then there were more shuffling sounds.

“I’m back, brown eyes. Don’t worry, the boys are safe and staying here.”

“Is Sunny all right?”

“Sunny’s just fine. Worried about you. We all

are. Brody has a fix on your phone. If someone approaches do you think you have time to get somewhere where they can’t see you?”

“Yes, I think so.” If her legs would cooperate.

“We’re about an hour out. And by the way, I know you’re lying about being okay. Sunny said they shot you and you hit your head.”

Poor Sunny, she must have been terrified.

“Just a flesh wound. The bleeding’s stopped, I think. My head hurts but it’s tolerable. My nose is still stuffed up though,” she tried to joke.

His growl through the phone told her it didn’t work.

“I…I…Ink, I’m so scared,” she blurted out. She didn’t know if it was a good idea to tell him. She didn’t want him to do anything rash to get here.

“I know you are, brown eyes. You know how I know? Because I’ve been going out of my mind for the last fucking six hours.” Just listening to his voice was calming her down. A wave of dizziness assaulted her. She wanted to sit but was worried she wouldn’t get back up again. Fat drops of rain hit her face, making her decision easier. She moved back under a tree, hoping that Ink didn’t cut out. She sank to the ground, keeping her gaze roaming around.

“Brown eyes, what happened to the men who took you? Are they still around?”

“No. They’re dead.”

“Dead? How?”

She cleared her throat. Should she tell him? He was already freaking, should she add to his worry? There was nothing he could do, after all. Nothing either of them could do.

“Betsy, answer me. Now.”

“I…I…there was a man.”

“What fucking man?” he roared.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic