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Trembling, she stared around the clearing. Was this some sort of sick game? Was he going to leap out at her? Was he going to tell her to run in some creepy voice and then stalk her through the woods like he was hunting game?

She hadn’t seen a gun on him, but then she hadn’t seen much of him at all, had she?

But if that was the case why would he give her a phone? She could just call 911, right? He’d told her how Ink could find her…so long as he’d told the truth. She sobbed. She tapped the phone again, her finger hovering on the emergency button.

Then something occurred to her. She looked at the phone and brought up the search bar. Please have data. There were three bars of reception on the phone. That should be enough. The search engine popped up and she nearly cried with relief. She typed in the name of Ink’s security company.

Up popped a call button. She nearly dropped the phone in relief.

“Hello, Callahan Security.”

“Hello,” she said in a low voice. “This is Betsy McClain. I need to speak with Ink, do you think—”

“Betsy? Holy shit! Ink has been going bat shit crazy trying to find you, girl.”

Relief flooded her. He was searching for her.

Of course he is. Have faith, Betsy.

He told you he would always come for you.

“Is he there?” She really needed to talk to him.

“No, but I’m going to patch you through to him, all right? You just stay on the line, Betsy. Actually, tell me where you are just in case.”

“I’m in the woods somewhere. I don’t know exactly where, but I was told to give Ink these instructions to find me.” She rattled off what the Fox had told her.

“Okay, Betsy, if you stay on the line, I can also trace you. All right?”


“Are you okay? Do you need medical care?” the man asked carefully.

“I just w-want Ink.” Her voice was thin, wavering. Tears threatened and she blinked them back.

Tears never helped anything, Betsy.

Oh, shut up, Mama. She took in a shuddering breath, trying to calm herself.

“I’ll put you through to him now, Betsy. Just going to put you on hold while I explain the situation.”

“Wait!” she said sharply.


“I don’t know your name, but you’re one of my favorite people on the planet right now.”

There was a pause then a chuckle. “Yeah, well, tell the boss that. I could use a raise. Actually, maybe don’t. He might get the wrong idea and then I’ll end up with a black eye. I like my face the way it is. My name is Ryan. Here’s Ink. Stay safe, Betsy.” The humor had disappeared from his voice with that last admonishment and then Ink’s voice filled her ear.

“Betsy! Brown eyes, are you there?”

“I-Ink,” she managed to get out.

“Oh, thank fuck. Betsy, I’m going out of my fucking mind here. Are you all right? Are you hurt?”

“I’m okay.” She winced, knowing she’d pay for that when he discovered her injuries. But there wasn’t anything he could do about them right now except worry.

Her legs buckled. She had to sit down. She looked around; she didn’t like standing out here in the clearing like this but she didn’t want to move closer to the trees in case she lost service.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic