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She also couldn’t afford to trust him. Just because he said he knew Sunny and he seemed to know things about her was no reason to trust him. In fact, it made her more suspicious of him.

Had he been watching them?

Was he some kind of stalker?

Shoot. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

She looked back up, nearly crying out in fear as she realized he’d gone. “Hello? Are you still here?”

“Yep. Just getting the rope ready.”

“Do you know where Thing One and Two went?”


She closed her eyes briefly. “The two guys that brought me here.”

“Oh. You don’t have to worry about them.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because I killed them, of course. That’s what the déjà vu was. I killed two idiots who tried to hurt my Sunny. Now I killed two men trying to harm you. Of course they already harmed my Sunny, so they would have died anyway. You’re not upset that I killed them because they touched her, are you? Sunny always comes first in my heart. You understand, don’t you?”

He’d killed them? She swallowed back bile. Was this guy insane? He had to be. And she was going to let him help her?

What choice did she have? If she stayed in this hole, she’d likely die.

She groaned.

“Are you upset because I care more for my Sunny than you?” he asked curiously.

“No, no, of course not,” she said to placate him. He was still her best bet for getting out of her. “I love Sunny. She’s amazing.”

“She certainly is.”

“Do you know Ink?”

“Kind of.”

Kind of? What did that mean?

“Could you call him or Sunny for me?”

“No,” he said cheerfully.


“No reception out here. We’re in the middle of the forest. I’m going to make a loop at one end of this rope and throw it down to you. Can you put it around you, under your arms? Then I’ll pull you up.”

“Can you…are you sure you can pull me up?”

“Don’t worry, I’m used to dragging around heavier people than you.”

She froze. What did that mean?

“Understand?” he repeated firmly.

“I understand.” Sheesh, what was it with all the men around her lately? They all had that commanding thing down.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic