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“You’re…you’re a fox?”

Umm, maybe that hit to her head had done some real damage.

“Not a fox, Betsy. People can’t be animals. Well, unless shifters are real and I’d think I would know if that was the case. I’m the Fox. Really, I’m insulted that Sunny hasn’t told you about me.”

She jolted in shock then groaned as her head thumped with pain.

“You know Sunny?” Hope filled her. All right, he might be kind of strange and she still wasn’t sure what that whole thing about having standards when it came to killing people meant. But if he knew Sunny then she might just have a chance at being rescued.

“Know Sunny? I’m her godfather.”

Her hope started to fade a little. If he was Sunny’s godfather then he had to be a lot older than her.

Still, that didn’t mean he couldn’t call for help. Preferably before Thing One and Two returned to finish the job they’d started.

“Kind of like a fairy godfather. Wait, do they have those or is it only fairy godmothers? I need to start reading up on my fairy tales. Gonna need to know this stuff when I find my own Little.”

“Your own Little? Are you a-a Daddy Dom?”

“I am. Not that I’ve ever had a Little. And I don’t go to those kinky clubs. And I’ve never had any training or anything. But how hard can it be? I like to be in control. When I fuck someone, I’m the dominant one. I like the idea of always being in charge. Making all the rules. It’s the only way I’d fully be able to trust someone. Let them close. Hmm, you know, you’re very good at listening. I don’t usually speak this much about myself.”


bsp; There was a strange note in his voice. Like he was regretting saying anything.

“My lips are sealed.”

“You’re a smart girl, Betsy. No matter what your Mama used to tell you, you’ve got brains as well as beauty.”

“How do you know about my Mama?”

“Well, we all have one, don’t we? Just some of us have better mamas than others.”

“Yes, but how did you know what my mama said to me?” Maybe she should stop asking him these questions. After all, she was still sitting in a hole in the forest, where there were wolves. And let’s not forget the Things.

“I make it a point to know everyone in my Sunny’s life.”

All right. This was starting to sound more than a bit creepy.

“You know she has a boyfriend, right?”

“Of course I do.”

“Do you know if she’s all right?” she asked in small voice. She didn’t know what she’d do if Sunny had been hurt because of her.

“Sunny is fine. I would never allow her to be anything else. Unfortunately, I had other business to attend to and didn’t hear about what was happening until it was too late to prevent her being taken. That won’t happen again.”

She shivered, believing him.

“Now, should we get on to more pressing matters? Like getting you out of there? Unless you like sitting in your own grave?”

What kind of question was that? Careful, Betsy. She bit back her sarcastic remark.

Never kick a cow turd on a hot day.

She always thought that saying was hilarious. It hadn’t been one of Mama’s. She’d never bring herself so low as to say the word turd. But Betsy had heard it plenty growing up. If this guy was going to help her, looney or not, she wouldn’t turn him down.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic